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发布时间:2018-04-17 10:00

  本文选题:违法所得 + 没收程序 ; 参考:《外交学院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为世界上第一部指导国际反腐败斗争的法律文件,《联合国反腐败公约》的通过对各国加强国内的反腐行动、提高反腐成效、促进反腐败国际合作具有重要的意义。尤其是该《公约》第五章“资产的追回机制”中明确规定了没收腐败犯罪所得制度。该程序的设置不仅解决了在犯罪人嫌疑人、被告人在死亡、潜逃或者缺席而无法对其起诉的情形下,能够不经刑事定罪而没收腐败犯罪所得,最大限度的追回腐败犯罪所得的问题,而且该制度的设置还顺应了当前国际社会反腐、反恐的形势,为各国追回腐败犯罪所得提供了依据。 中国作为《公约》的缔约国,基于《公约》的规定,在2012年新修订的《刑事诉讼法》中增设了“违法所得特别没收程序”。该程序的设置顺应了当前国际、国内反腐、反恐的形势,是完善中国刑事诉讼法律体系,履行《公约》基本义务的要求。同时,该程序的设置兼顾了严惩和预防的双重价值取向,体现了尊重和保障人权、对司法公正和效率的价值追求。此外,该程序就其程序的核心内容而言,程序适用的范围、特别的诉讼性质、特别的诉讼程序等方面都体现了《公约》的基本精神和相关规定。当然,中国违法所得没收程序在一些制度方面还和《公约》存在差距。因此,有必要参照《公约》的规定,,明确没收对象的范围、明确程序的证明标准和举证责任,明确司法协助的问题等制度方面的规定,以便更好的履行《公约》的义务,早日实现与《公约》的全面对接。
[Abstract]:As the world's first legal document to guide the international fight against corruption, the adoption of the United Nations Convention against Corruption is of great significance to all countries in strengthening domestic anti-corruption actions, improving the effectiveness of anti-corruption, and promoting international cooperation against corruption.In particular, Chapter V of the Convention, "Asset recovery mechanisms", explicitly provides for the confiscation of proceeds of corruption offences.The procedure not only solves the problem of confiscating the proceeds of corruption without criminal conviction, but also in the case of a criminal suspect, an accused person who dies, absconds or is unable to prosecute him in absentia.The maximum recovery of the proceeds of corruption crime, and the establishment of the system also conforms to the current international anti-corruption, anti-terrorism situation, for countries to recover the proceeds of corruption crime provides a basis.As a State party to the Convention, China, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, has added the "Special confiscation procedure for illegal proceeds" in the newly amended Criminal procedure Law in 2012.The establishment of this procedure conforms to the current international and domestic situation of anti-corruption and anti-terrorism. It is the requirement of perfecting China's criminal procedure legal system and fulfilling the basic obligations of the Convention.At the same time, the establishment of the procedure takes into account the dual value orientation of severe punishment and prevention, and embodies the value pursuit of respecting and protecting human rights and of judicial justice and efficiency.In addition, as far as the core content of the procedure is concerned, the scope of application of the procedure, the nature of the proceedings in particular, and the special procedure all embody the basic spirit and relevant provisions of the Convention.Of course, the procedure of confiscation of illegal income in China is still different from the Convention in some systems.Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the scope of the object of confiscation, the standard of proof and the burden of proof of the procedure, and the provisions of the system, such as the question of mutual legal assistance, in order to better fulfil the obligations of the Convention, taking into account the provisions of the Convention,To realize the comprehensive docking with the Convention at an early date.


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1 袁益波;刑法中没收物之分类研究[J];华东政法学院学报;2004年01期




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