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发布时间:2018-04-17 11:40

  本文选题:侦查阶段 + 犯罪嫌疑人人权 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑事法律援助制度的设置为保障人权、实现司法公正提供了保障。法律援助制度介入侦查阶段的必要性主要体现在:侦查阶段的法律援助能够充分体现对弱势群体的人本关怀,侦查机关拥有强大的公权力,如果律师能以会见等方式与犯罪嫌疑人交流,并转达其亲友对他的关怀,无疑体现了国家对弱势群体的入文关怀;侦查阶段的法律援助可以使律师及时收集有利于被追诉一方的证据,更加全面的了解案情,有利于使侦查机关查明案件事实;侦查阶段的法律援助是联合国刑事司法准则的要求;侦查阶段法律援助彰显了程序正义。新修改的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》为侦查阶段犯罪嫌疑人的法律援助带来了光明,但是仍有不完备之处。本文通过侦查阶段的法律援助的立法分析和实践考察两个方面来体现我国侦查阶段法律援助制度目前存在的不足,就如何完善法律援助制度提出建议。全文由导论、正文和结语三大部分组成,其中正文包括三个部分: 文章的第一部分主要是通过我国侦查阶段法律援助相关的立法脉络来分析侦查阶段法律援助制度,梳理了我国侦查阶段的法律援助的产生和发展过程,特别是评析了新《刑事诉讼法》关于刑事法律援助制度的修改。通过比较分析可知,我国侦查阶段的法律援助还存在着对侦查机关的告知义务不明确、法律援助的范围虽然有所扩大但距离国际标准还小得多,保障机制缺失等问题。 文章第二部分是对我国侦查阶段法律援助在实践中的运行进行了一系列的分析,包括新《刑事诉讼法》把法律援助制度提前到侦查阶段之后,我国律师资源以及法律援助资金难以满足侦查阶段犯罪嫌疑人的法律援助需求。以及在侦查阶段,律师介入侦查阶段困难大,还有侦查机关对于“可能被判处无期徒刑的人”存在客观上的判断难等问题。 文章第三部分是文章的核心,主要对我国侦查阶段的法律援助可能存在的问题提出了解决对策。包括立法上扩大受援范围、明确侦查机关的告知义务及告知方式、建立侦查阶段法律援助的保障机制等等;实践上则通过解决法律资源和法律援助案件的供需矛盾、改善律师在侦查阶段的介入难问题、加强对法律援助对象的识别等来完善我国侦查阶段的法律援助制度。希望通过这一系列措施推进我国侦查阶段法律援助制度的建设,使需要法律援助的犯罪嫌疑人得到帮助,使他们的权利得到有效维护,从而促进社会和谐。
[Abstract]:The establishment of criminal legal aid system provides guarantee for the protection of human rights and the realization of judicial justice.The necessity for the legal aid system to intervene in the investigation stage is mainly reflected in the following aspects: the legal aid in the investigation stage can fully reflect the humanistic concern for the vulnerable groups, and the investigative organs have strong public power.If the lawyer can communicate with the criminal suspect by means of interview and convey the concern of his relatives and friends, it will undoubtedly reflect the country's concern for the vulnerable group.The legal aid in the investigation stage can make the lawyer collect the evidence in favor of the party being prosecuted in time, understand the case more comprehensively, and help the investigation organ to find out the facts of the case;The legal aid in the investigation stage is the requirement of the United Nations criminal justice standard, and the legal aid in the investigation stage shows the procedural justice.The newly revised Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China has brought bright light to the legal aid of criminal suspects in the investigation stage, but there are still some deficiencies.Through the legislative analysis and practical investigation of the legal aid in the investigation stage, this paper reflects the deficiency of the legal aid system in the investigation stage in our country, and puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the legal aid system.The full text consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion, in which the text consists of three parts:The first part of the article mainly analyzes the legal aid system in the investigation stage through the legislative context related to the legal aid in the investigation stage of our country, and combs the process of the emergence and development of the legal aid in the investigation stage in our country.In particular, it comments on the revision of the criminal legal aid system in the new Criminal procedure Law.Through comparative analysis, we can see that the legal aid in the investigation stage of our country still has some problems, such as the duty of informing the investigation organ is not clear, the scope of the legal aid has been expanded, but it is much smaller than the international standard, and the safeguard mechanism is missing, and so on.The second part of the article is a series of analysis on the operation of legal aid in the investigation stage of our country, including the advance of the legal aid system from the new Criminal procedure Law to the investigation stage.It is difficult to meet the legal aid needs of criminal suspects in investigation stage by lawyers' resources and legal aid funds in our country.In the investigation stage, it is difficult for the lawyer to intervene in the investigation stage, and it is difficult for the investigating organ to judge objectively the person who may be sentenced to life imprisonment.The third part is the core of the article.Including expanding the scope of receiving assistance in legislation, clarifying the duty and mode of notification of investigative organs, establishing a guarantee mechanism for legal aid in the investigation stage, and so on. In practice, the contradiction between the supply and demand of legal resources and cases of legal aid is resolved.In order to perfect the legal aid system of our country, we should improve the difficulty of lawyers' intervention in the investigation stage, strengthen the identification of the legal aid objects and so on.It is hoped that this series of measures will promote the construction of the legal aid system in the investigation stage of our country, help the criminal suspects in need of legal aid, protect their rights effectively, and thus promote social harmony.


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