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发布时间:2018-04-18 10:53

  本文选题:调解优先 + 公共政策 ; 参考:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the Supreme people's Court established the judicial policy of "mediation first" in 2008, the policy has played an active role in resolving social contradictions and disputes and promoting social harmony. However, a series of problems have arisen in the implementation of the policy.For example, the means of policy implementation violate the inherent requirements of the policy, and the policy results deviate from the policy objectives, resulting in a series of deviations, which deviate from the spiritual essence of "resolving disputes once and for all".The outstanding performance is that "mediation priority" evolves into "mediation rate priority" and falls into the "linear misunderstanding" from problem to means.From the perspective of the factors influencing the effective implementation of public policies, this paper studies the above deviations in order to find out the causes of the deviations and put forward countermeasures.The article is divided into five parts. The first chapter introduces the significance of the topic, the current research situation and comments at home and abroad, the second chapter "mediation priority" policy implementation deviation definition and origin,On the basis of Smith's model, the effective factors influencing the implementation of public policy include policy quality, subject of policy implementation, object of policy implementation.Five factors of policy environment and monitoring mechanism of policy execution are used as the analysis model of this paper.This part also explains the policy of "mediation priority", and defines the deviation of "mediation priority" policy implementation.The third chapter mainly shows the deviation of policy implementation: mechanization, distortion, defect, perfunctory and illegal means of policy execution.The fourth chapter is the reasons for the deviation of the policy of mediation priority.This part looks for the reasons from the five factors which affect the implementation of public policy, including unclear policy objectives, unclear scope of application, inappropriate policy measures and inadequate policies;Conflict of interest of executive subject, defect of ability, conflict of thought; conflict of interest of executive object, inner conflict, lack of trust in executive subject; lack of judicial independence, lack of fund guarantee, lack of procedural guarantee mechanism, imperfect feedback mechanism,The examination mechanism is not perfect and so on.The fifth chapter corrects the deviation of policy implementation.This chapter, on the basis of the third chapter deviation performance and the fourth chapter deviation reason, looks for the solution countermeasure: 1.Improve the quality of the policy itself: clearly define policy objectives, clear exclusion of policy scope, policy measures should adhere to legal principles. 2.Optimize the policy executive subject: strengthen the policy identity of the executive body, improve the level of mediation, and improve the pluralistic mechanism of the executive body.Give play to the positive factors of the implementation of the object to prevent speculation: strive for policy identification and coordination, prevent false mediation. 4.Optimize the policy implementation environment: truly implement the independence of the judiciary, mediation funds to provide security.To establish an effective policy implementation monitoring mechanism: to formulate mediation procedure law, standardize mediation procedure, establish mediation case evaluation feedback system, perfect the case quality evaluation system, and strengthen the supervision over the subject of execution.


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