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发布时间:2018-04-18 11:04

  本文选题:和谐社会 + 司法公正 ; 参考:《沈阳工业大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on strengthening the Party's ruling ability", adopted by the fourth Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, for the first time explicitly put forward and expounded the scientific proposition of "building a harmonious socialist society."And regard it as strengthening the party's ruling ability to build the five Ren Wuzhi one.Since then, the concept of a "harmonious society" into the public view, and increasingly popular.The connotation of harmonious society is extremely rich, embodied in all aspects of social life.Micro-level performance for the daily behavior of the public, macro-reflected in the national development situation.Among the elements of a harmonious society, fairness and justice are the basic conditions to realize social harmony, and the core value of constructing a harmonious society is to take fairness and justice as its core value.At the same time, the construction of a harmonious society needs to rely on a stable and orderly legal environment, so the rule of law is the fundamental premise of building a harmonious society.In the process of constructing a harmonious society, we will inevitably encounter various kinds of problems. How to fully guarantee social fairness and justice in this process is an important subject that needs us to think deeply, and how to run through the concept of fairness and justice in the construction of a harmonious society.Upholding and safeguarding judicial justice is a fundamental problem to be solved.Judicial justice is not only an important way to protect citizens' rights and interests, but also the value goal pursued by modern society. It is also the most important means and means to build a harmonious society.With the rapid development of our economy and the deepening of reform, our country has made remarkable achievements in all aspects, which is worthy of our satisfaction.However, we should also see that there are still many problems gradually emerging along with the deepening of the reform, and there are still many sharp contradictions and prominent problems in the judicial field. We must face up to and seek the causes of the unfair administration of justice.We should solve these contradictions and problems fairly and strive to create a just and harmonious judicial environment and gradually promote and realize the fairness and justice in the judicial field.Based on the relevant theories of socialist harmonious society and judicial justice, this paper analyzes the causes of judicial injustice and puts emphasis on the thinking and countermeasures of realizing judicial justice under the background of constructing harmonious society.This paper first expounds the basic connotation and characteristics of harmonious society and judicial justice, and fully discusses the relationship between them.Secondly, the problems in the judicial field are exposed and the reasons are analyzed.Finally, the author puts forward some ideas and countermeasures to promote judicial justice in the context of harmonious society from three aspects: sticking to justice for the people, adhering to the concept of harmony and carrying forward the spirit of rule of law.


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