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发布时间:2018-04-18 14:02

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 鉴定人出庭 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Unlike ordinary witnesses, expert witnesses have their unique litigation status. The revised Civil procedure Law in 2012 clearly stipulates the system of experts appearing in court to testify.It is of great significance for the courts to deal with all kinds of disputes efficiently and properly by standardizing and restricting the appraisal behavior of appraisal institutions and personnel, enhancing the authority and credibility of appraisal opinions.However, in judicial practice, due to the differences in principle and understanding of legislation, there are still many problems and deficiencies in the judicial application of this system, such as some parties abusing the right to apply for expert to appear in court and procrastinate proceedings artificially.The rate of the expert appearing in court is not high, the scope of the expert appearing in court, the time limit, the cost bearing and so on are not clear, the operation is not standard, the people's court and the litigant are at a loss.Based on the analysis of a typical case of expert testifying in court, this paper draws out the judicial dilemma faced by expert witness in court, and further combines other relevant studies in China to analyze the legal attributes of the system of expert witness appearing in court from the theoretical level.The status of litigation is analyzed, and the establishment and development of the system, the main problems and the reasons for the formation of the system of experts appearing in court in our country are discussed from the realistic level.And from the legislative and judicial practice level to improve the system of expert testimony in court to put forward countermeasures.The full text is divided into four parts.The first part introduces the basic situation of the case, analyzes the focus of controversy, and puts forward theoretical thinking.The second part discusses the legal characteristics, attributes, functions and values of expert witnesses.The third part combs the evolution and understanding of the system of expert witness in civil litigation in our country, summarizes the main problems and shortcomings of the system in the judicial practice, and probes into its origin and cause of formation.The defects of legislation and the deficiency of theoretical understanding are pointed out.The fourth part puts forward some thoughts and suggestions, discusses the necessity and direction of legislation of expert witness in court, and suggests to give full play to the active role of legal interpretation in judicial practice so as to better solve the problem of expert testimony in court.


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