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发布时间:2018-04-19 05:09

  本文选题:行政补偿 + 行政补偿争议 ; 参考:《广西民族大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:行政补偿制度是国家行政机关为了实现社会公益,造成行政相对人合法权益的非法定义务的、不公平的损害时,给予特定相对人予以弥补的制度。我国长期以来对行政补偿的不注重,造成了行政补偿法律制度不完善,其中行政补偿救济制度的缺失尤为严重。《行政诉讼法》没有把行政补偿争议纳入行政诉讼的受案范围,使得行政补偿争议缺少了诉讼上的救济途径,行政相对人与行政机关的行政补偿纠纷不能诉诸于法院,不能通过诉讼途径予以裁判,这不利于纠纷的解决和相对人行政补偿权益的保护。我国应当借鉴行政法制先进的国家的做法,构建我国行政补偿争议的诉讼救济机制,在法律上赋予行政补偿争议可诉性,把它纳入行政诉讼的受案范围,这有利于最大限度的保护行政相对人的合法权益,体现了保护公民财产的宪法精神。 本文分五个部分,第一部分研究分析行政补偿争议的性质和内涵,从行政补偿争议的性质出发,阐述国内学者们不同的观点,得出行政补偿既是一种法律责任又是一种独立的具体行政行为的双重性质。第二部分研究域外行政补偿争议救济,进一步论证行政补偿争议案件应定性为行政案件,应当通过诉讼途径而不是行政途径来解决。第三部分研究我国行政补偿争议诉讼救济现状,分析指出我国在行政补偿争议救济上存在的诸多缺陷及其存在的原因。第四部分阐述我国建立行政补偿争议诉讼救济制度所具有的现实意义,分别分析了行政补偿争议诉讼救济制度构建的意义以及其对行政诉讼法的修订的启示。第五部分为本文的重点,,即提出符合我国国情的行政补偿救济机制的构建设想。
[Abstract]:The administrative compensation system is the system that the administrative organs of the state, in order to realize the social public good, cause the non-statutory obligation of the legal rights and interests of the administrative counterpart, and give the special counterpart to make up for the unfair damage.For a long time, our country has not paid much attention to the administrative compensation, which has resulted in the imperfection of the legal system of administrative compensation, especially the lack of the administrative compensation and relief system. The Administrative procedure Law has not brought the dispute of administrative compensation into the scope of the cases accepted in the administrative litigation.As a result, the dispute of administrative compensation lacks a remedy in litigation, and the dispute between administrative counterpart and administrative organ cannot be appealed to the court, nor can it be adjudicated through the way of litigation.This is not conducive to the settlement of disputes and the protection of the rights and interests of counterpart administrative compensation.Our country should draw lessons from the practice of advanced administrative legal system, construct the litigation relief mechanism of administrative compensation dispute in our country, legally endow administrative compensation dispute with actionable nature, and bring it into the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation.This is conducive to the maximum protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart and reflects the constitutional spirit of protecting citizens' property.This paper is divided into five parts. The first part studies and analyzes the nature and connotation of administrative compensation dispute, from the nature of administrative compensation dispute, expounds the different views of domestic scholars.It is concluded that administrative compensation is both a kind of legal responsibility and a dual nature of an independent concrete administrative act.The second part studies the dispute relief of administrative compensation outside the country, and further demonstrates that the dispute case of administrative compensation should be characterized as administrative case, and should be resolved through litigation rather than administrative means.The third part studies the current situation of litigation relief of administrative compensation dispute in our country, and points out many defects and the reasons of its existence in our country.The fourth part expounds the practical significance of establishing the litigation relief system of administrative compensation dispute in China, and analyzes the significance of the establishment of administrative compensation dispute litigation relief system and its enlightenment to the revision of administrative procedure law.The fifth part is the focus of this paper, that is, the construction of administrative compensation and relief mechanism in accordance with the situation of our country.


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