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发布时间:2018-04-19 05:38

  本文选题:必要证人 + 强制出庭作证 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:建立强制证人出庭制度具有十分重要的作用,其能够有效保证被告人的质证权,推动诉讼程序的顺利进行,查明真相,实现控、辩、审诉讼三方的均衡。本文首先明确了建立证人出庭作证制度的价值,其次阐述了中国古代这一制度的发展状况,并对其做出评价,指出了有其现代刑事诉讼法应当向其借鉴的意义。本文亦对英美德等国的相关制度进行了介绍,以期促进我国刑事诉讼法的改进。 笔者接下来研究了我国强制证人出庭作证制度的具体情况。一直以来,,证人出庭难问题困扰着我国法律界。审判方式的改革要求法官更多地倚重法庭上证据的调查、质证,并以此对案件做出裁判。因此,证人不出庭作证的问题日益突出。不少学者对此提出了自己的见解,同时新修订的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》对这一制度也做出了全面的规定。本文试图初步整合这些观点,提出追问并进行反思,探究证人出庭问题的核心;并评价新的政策,提出建议,以完善必要证人强制出庭制度,最终解决中国刑事证人出庭难的问题。
[Abstract]:It is very important to establish the system of compulsory witness appearing in court, which can effectively guarantee the defendant's right of cross-examination, promote the smooth progress of the litigation procedure, find out the truth, realize the balance of the three parties: charge, debate and trial.This paper firstly clarifies the value of establishing the system of witness testifying in court, then expounds the development of this system in ancient China, evaluates it, and points out that the modern criminal procedure law should draw lessons from it.This article also introduces the relevant systems of Anglo-American and German countries in order to promote the improvement of our criminal procedure law.The author then studies the specific situation of compulsory witness testifying system in our country.All along, the difficulty of witnesses appearing in court has troubled the legal profession of our country.The reform requires judges to rely more heavily on the investigation, cross-examination and adjudication of cases.Therefore, the problem that witnesses do not testify in court is increasingly prominent.Many scholars have put forward their own views on this, and the newly revised Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China has also made comprehensive provisions on this system.This paper attempts to integrate these points of view preliminarily, put forward questioning and reflection, probe into the core of witness appearing in court, and evaluate new policy, put forward suggestions, in order to consummate necessary witness compulsory appearance system,Finally solve the problem of Chinese criminal witness's appearance in court.


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1 吴丹红;;交叉询问制度的中国问题[J];西部法学评论;2008年01期

2 左卫民;刑事诉讼的经济分析[J];法学研究;2005年04期

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1 吴萃;清代证据制度研究[D];中国政法大学;2009年




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