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发布时间:2018-04-19 19:03

  本文选题:审前羁押 + 诉讼效率 ; 参考:《华东政法大学学报》2016年02期

[Abstract]:The recent misdemeanour and extended detention have triggered a reflection on the function of pretrial detention in academic circles. Through literature review, it is found that domestic and foreign pretrial detention theory and legislation comparison results are rich, but the judicial status quo is not much grasped. Taking 1205 criminal judgments and 3063 evidences as samples in A city, it is found that the pretrial detention rate is high, the detention period is longer and the unnecessary detention is widespread in China. Therefore, pretrial release should be carried out vigorously. The reasons are as follows: first, the public security organs have verified the main evidence to prove the crime at the early stage of the case, and it is unreasonable to detain the criminal agent for punishment; second, the procedural evidence collection is the main part in the public prosecution and the trial stage, so as to ensure that the concept of litigation should be reconsidered; third, The detention period of each stage is extended generally, the evidence collection exists in the end, and the litigation efficiency is low. The research shows that the pretrial detention in our country is in the middle level in the world. In view of the low risk of pretrial release, practicing the presumption of innocence can alleviate the dual dilemma of legislation and judicature, accurate conviction and prevention of wrong cases.
【作者单位】: 西南财经大学法学院;


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