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发布时间:2018-04-19 22:19

  本文选题:农村纠纷 + 多元化 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The rural society is an important part of our country's modernization construction. The healthy and orderly development of the rural society is related to the reform and development of the whole country. Although the proportion of urban population in China is rising constantly, the rural problem will still be the heavy construction in China from the basic structure of economic and social development. The construction of the rural grass-roots rule of law is an important part of the construction of the rule of law in China. Due to the historical tradition, cultural background and the two yuan structure of urban and rural areas, in the process of modernization of the rule of law, the institutional handling of rural disputes in China faces many problems to be solved. It is undergoing a profound change. The Chinese countryside has been transformed from a relatively closed traditional society into a new "open society" with a larger liquidity. This change has not only changed the values of the peasants but also influenced the behavior of farmers, which led to the overall changes in the rural villages, including economic development, legal consciousness, and literature. The change is still in progress, but with the change coming, many new problems are produced. In the case of frequent disputes, it is particularly important to construct a diversified rural dispute settlement mechanism. In order to ensure the peasants to live and work, maintain social stability and order, discuss the solution of rural disputes in China. The first part is the rural social and rural disputes. The rural society in China is different from the traditional "local society", but also different from the modern "civil society" in the new period. Because of its unique historical and cultural background, China's rural society has four areas and other areas. Different characteristics. At present, the rule of law environment in rural areas is still very imperfect, while having great potential for development, it is also faced with the problem of dispute. After introducing the status of rural society in our country, this part analyses the disputes in the rural areas of China from three aspects of the types, characteristics and causes of rural disputes. Second parts. It is divided into the type of rural dispute settlement mechanism. The first part of the article introduces the main types, characteristics and causes of the current disputes in China's rural areas. In view of the rural disputes mentioned in the last part of the country, there are two main types of rural dispute settlement mechanism in our country: litigation mechanism and non prosecution mechanism, and non prosecution mechanism in many kinds of manifestations. This section mainly introduces the two dispute resolution mechanisms. The third part is the problem of the rural dispute settlement mechanism. With the rapid development of the market economy, the existing dispute settlement mechanism has not met the needs of the society, and there are corresponding problems. Some problems are inherent in the mechanism and some problems are With the development of the times, in order to better improve the settlement mechanism of rural disputes, it is necessary to clarify the existing problems in the mechanism. This part introduces the main problems in each mechanism respectively. The fourth part is the reconstruction of the diversified dispute settlement mechanism. It is imperative to build a diversified dispute settlement mechanism, focusing on the settlement mechanism outside litigation, and the litigation mechanism as the final remedy. On the basis of defining the existing problems in the present mechanism, learning from the experience of building the rule of law at the grass-roots level outside the territory of the United States, Germany and Japan, we are not blindly copying. From the extraterritorial construction of the legal system, we can obtain the enlightenment to the construction of the dispute settlement mechanism in China, find the solutions that are most consistent with China's national conditions and social reality, and improve the settlement mechanism of rural disputes, and open up a new way for the settlement of rural grass-roots disputes in China.



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