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发布时间:2018-04-19 23:32

  本文选题:指定居所 + 监视居住 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the introduction of the new amendment of criminal procedure law, some changes have been made to the system of designated residence surveillance residence, but there are different opinions on it in theory and judicial practice. Starting from the development of designated residence monitoring residence, the author discusses in detail the concept of designated residence monitoring residence and its value connotation. By comparing with other similar systems, the author sums up the unique pursuit of the value of criminal procedure law. Then, by comparing the existing laws and regulations of the designated residence surveillance system with those of foreign countries, the author summarizes the shortcomings of the existing system in our country, which is mainly reflected in the unreasonable construction of the place. The designated residence to monitor the sexual tendency to live in excess of custody may lead to the death of the lawyer interview system, too high restrictions on the personal freedom of the criminal suspect, and the loss of position and alienation of the relevant executive body; in addition, Insufficient supervision of this system under the current system framework may lead to infringement of the basic rights of criminal suspects. Finally, the author puts forward some feasible suggestions on how to perfect the relevant system.


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