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发布时间:2018-04-20 01:25

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 + 中的 ; 参考:《华东政法学院》2003年硕士论文

【摘要】:证据立法是当前理论界和实务界共同关注的一个热点问题,为此,许多学界同仁纷纷将目光聚焦于与证据立法相关问题的研究。已有学者对有关证据规则进行过比较深入的研究,但是,谈到经验法则,可能许多专门攻读诉讼法的学子对此也感到陌生,因为有关经验法则的专门文章学界是空白,涉及经验法则内容的文章也是凤毛麟角,而经验法则与司法实践息息相关或者说须臾不离。所以,我想借学界研究证据法则的春风,对经验法则作一个粗浅的探讨,抛砖引玉,以期学界和实务界对这个问题的重视,从而弥补学界对经验法则研究的空缺,并指导司法实践部门运用经验法则,从而保证诉讼公正,提高诉讼效率。 论文共分五部分: 一、论述经验法则的特征。通过对经验法则含义、分类的论述,阐明了经验法则所具有的八个方面的特征。 二、论述确立经验法则的必要性。从维护司法权威、指导法官正确运用自由裁量权、实现司法公正、指导对司法实践经验的运用、提高司法效率、维护当事人合法利益等方面来论述确立经验法则的必要性。 WP=4 三、论述经验法则的理论基础。笔者认为毛泽东的实践论是经验法则的理论基础。经验法则来自实践,是经实践反复检验而确立起来的那些知识、常识、法则、经验。 四、论述经验法则在刑事诉讼中的作用。这是本文的重点和核心。从三个方面加以考察。(一)认定事实:经验法则决定证据的关联性;决定证据的可采性;评判证据价值;在证据与案件事实之间发挥推理作用。(二)适用法律。(三)解释法律。笔者之所以考虑到把经验法则在适用法律和解释法律方面的作用分开来论述,主要是强调经验法则在解释法律方面的作用。在论述经验法则的每一项作用的同时,为了增强说服力和理解力,在每一项作用下面举例加以说明,这是本文的特色。 五、在我国确立经验法则的立法建议。通过考察各国在经验法则立法上的种种做法,建设性地提出我国在经验法则立法上所应采取的办法。 本文作者的独立见解在于:第一,是祖国大陆第一篇专论刑事诉讼经验法则的论文。第二,第一次系统地提出了经验法则的八个特征。第三,第一次以毛泽东的实践论作为经验法则的理论基础。第四,论文将经验法则的理论论述与案例结合起来,具有鲜明性。正因为笔者在诸多方面是第一次尝试,所以文章不可避免地存在着不足和不当,希望各位老师批评指正。
[Abstract]:Evidence legislation is a hot issue which is concerned by both theorists and practitioners. For this reason, many academic colleagues have focused their attention on the research of evidence legislation. Some scholars have done more in-depth research on the rules of evidence. However, when it comes to rules of experience, many students who study procedural law may be unfamiliar with this, because the academic circle of specialized articles on rules of experience is blank. Articles concerning the rule of experience are rare, and the rule of experience is closely related to judicial practice. Therefore, I would like to use the spring wind of the academic research on the rule of evidence to make a superficial discussion of the rule of experience, so that the academic and practical circles will attach importance to this issue, and thus make up for the lack of research on the rule of experience in the academic community. And guide the judicial practice department to use the rule of experience, so as to ensure the fairness of litigation and improve the efficiency of litigation. The thesis is divided into five parts: First, discuss the characteristics of the rule of experience. Through the discussion of the meaning and classification of the rule of experience, this paper clarifies the characteristics of the law of experience in eight aspects. Second, discuss the necessity of establishing the rule of experience. This paper discusses the necessity of establishing the rule of experience from the aspects of maintaining judicial authority, instructing judges to use discretion correctly, realizing judicial justice, guiding the application of judicial practice experience, improving judicial efficiency and safeguarding the legitimate interests of the parties. WP=4 Third, discuss the theoretical basis of the rule of experience. The author believes that Mao Zedong's theory of practice is the theoretical basis of the rule of thumb. The rule of thumb comes from practice. It is the knowledge, common sense, law, experience established by practice. Fourth, discusses the rule of experience in the role of criminal proceedings. This is the focus and core of this paper. From three aspects to examine. (1) Facts: the rule of thumb determines the relevance of evidence; determines the admissibility of evidence; judges the value of evidence; and plays a reasoning role between evidence and the facts of the case. (II) applicable law. (III) interpretation of the law. The author considers the role of the rule of experience in the application of the law and the interpretation of the law separately, mainly emphasizing the role of the rule of experience in the interpretation of the law. In order to enhance the persuasion and understanding, this article is characterized by an example of each action while discussing each function of the rule of experience. Fifth, the legislative suggestion of establishing the rule of experience in our country. By examining the practices of various countries in the legislation of the law of experience, this paper puts forward constructively the methods that our country should adopt in the legislation of the law of experience. The author's independent opinions are as follows: first, it is the first paper on the rule of experience of criminal procedure in mainland China. Second, the eight characteristics of the rule of thumb are proposed systematically for the first time. Third, for the first time, Mao Zedong's theory of practice as the theoretical basis of the rule of thumb. Fourthly, the thesis combines the theory of the rule of thumb with the case. Because the author is the first attempt in many aspects, so the article inevitably has shortcomings and improper, I hope that teachers criticize and correct.


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