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发布时间:2018-04-20 02:14

  本文选题:刑事和解 + 适用范围 ; 参考:《海南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:现代意义上的“刑事和解”是一种新型的刑事冲突解决模式,起源于南美地区,并在西方国家得到了广泛认可。与传统的刑事司法模式相对比,刑事和解的出现是为了能更好地弥补被害人与加害人之间的受损利益,在法律允许的合理范围内化解双方的纠纷,恢复被破坏的社会关系,因此得到了国际上的大多数国家认可。 其实在我国司法理论界很早之前已经关注这项制度,实践中我国很多地方司法机关也早早就开展摸索,但这之前刑事立法对这项制度并没有明确具体规定,理论上对刑事和解的适用范围也存在较大争议,因此刑事和解在实践具体运用中存在不少的盲区。2012年3月14日通过的《刑事诉讼法》修正案对公诉案件刑事和解的适用范围作出了明确具体的规定,在较大程度上缓冲了之前司法实践中的理论争议,但新规定对刑事和解适用范围的界定仍存在不合理之处。因此,为了更好地发挥刑事和解在司法实践运用中的积极作用,避免其被误用、滥用,有必要进一步研究探讨刑事和解的适用标准,以便更合理界定适用刑事和解的适用范围。 正是在上述背景和目的之下,笔者进行了本文的写作,全文共分为四部分:第一章主要介绍了刑事和解正当性的学理根据,并集中梳理了当前学界论争的几种主流观点,并据此笔者提出自己支持的观点;第二章主要介绍了我国刑事和解适用范围之立法现状,主要介绍了我国公诉案件列入刑诉法之前,在我国司法实践中有关刑事和解适用范围的相关法律规定及列入后有关立法上规定的简单介绍;第三章主要论述了我国刑事和解适用范围的弊端,通过具体分析,进一步指出了我国刑事和解适用范围合理之处及不足之处;最后一章主要是论述正当性视野下刑事和解适用范围的完善,主要是从刑事和解实体和程序的适用范围方面及有关刑事和解适用内容方面来论述其适用范围的完善。
[Abstract]:Modern "criminal reconciliation" is a new type of criminal conflict resolution model, originated in South America, and has been widely recognized in western countries. Compared with the traditional criminal justice model, the appearance of criminal reconciliation is to better compensate for the injured interests between the victim and the perpetrator, to resolve the disputes within the reasonable scope permitted by law, and to restore the damaged social relations. As a result, it has been recognized by most countries in the world. In fact, the judicial theorists in our country have paid close attention to this system long ago. In practice, many local judicial organs in our country have also begun to grope early. However, prior to this, the criminal legislation did not explicitly specify this system. In theory, the scope of application of criminal reconciliation is also controversial. Therefore, there are many blind spots in the practical application of criminal reconciliation. The amendment of the Criminal procedure Law adopted on March 14, 2012, has made clear and specific provisions on the scope of application of criminal reconciliation in public prosecution cases. To a large extent, it buffers the theoretical disputes in judicial practice before, but the definition of the applicable scope of criminal reconciliation in the new regulations is still unreasonable. Therefore, in order to better play the positive role of criminal reconciliation in judicial practice, to avoid its misuse and abuse, it is necessary to further study the applicable standards of criminal reconciliation in order to define the scope of application of criminal reconciliation more reasonably. It is under the above background and purpose that the author writes this article, the full text is divided into four parts: the first chapter mainly introduces the theoretical basis of the legitimacy of criminal reconciliation, and focuses on combing several mainstream viewpoints of the current academic debate. The second chapter mainly introduces the current legislative situation of the applicable scope of criminal reconciliation in our country, mainly introduces the public prosecution cases in our country before the inclusion of criminal procedure law. In the judicial practice of our country, the relevant legal provisions on the applicable scope of criminal reconciliation and the relevant legislative provisions after inclusion are briefly introduced. Chapter three mainly discusses the malpractice of the applicable scope of criminal reconciliation in our country, and through the concrete analysis, the third chapter mainly discusses the disadvantages of the applicable scope of criminal reconciliation in our country. The last chapter mainly discusses the perfection of the scope of criminal reconciliation from the perspective of legitimacy. It mainly discusses the perfection of the applicable scope of criminal reconciliation from the aspects of the applicable scope of the criminal reconciliation entity and procedure and the applicable content of the criminal reconciliation.


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