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发布时间:2018-04-20 02:20

  本文选题:电子数据 + 收集 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几年,我们听过以手机短信为证据向借款人追债的事件,,也看过以QQ消息为依据寻求前男友还钱的报道,全国各级法院也有采信电脑中的文件、网络服务器中存储的资料等为证据进行裁判的案例。为什么前些年或者更早,我们没有听说类似事件或者案例,而最近却如“火山爆发”式地喷涌而来?因为信息化、数字化的高速发展,催生出了“电子数据”,督促着我们的立法和司法实践与时俱进。但是,2013年1月1日新《民事诉讼法》开始实施以来,电子数据并未得到广泛运用,司法实践者们触碰到这类案件,还是很谨慎。为什么?因为目前立法只在证据种类中规定了“电子数据”,至于电子数据司法实践中如何适用却没有相应的规则。电子数据有别于传统证据,其运用也有自身的特点,且无论何种证据的运用均是一个复杂而系统的工程,没有一个切合实际的运用指导规则或者说是司法解释,司法工作者们也不敢越“雷池”一步。这就表明我国在电子数据方面的立法规定还很匮乏,亟需完善。这也给了我们加强电子数据的理论创新和运用研究的契机。 本文正是在全球化、信息化、数字化的时代大背景之下,以我国立法采纳“电子数据”为证据类型之一为前提,建立在前人理论建树和实践成果的基础上进行的运用研究,主要从电子数据的收集、电子数据的交换、电子数据的认定等方面着手,认识电子数据这一新兴事物的特性,以期为电子数据的实践运用提供可供借鉴之建议。 第一章,电子数据的概述。从电子数据的含义、特征及电子数据与视听资料的对立统一性三方面入手,深化对电子数据的整体了解,并提出笔者自己的一些见解。 第二章,电子数据的收集。收集是运用电子数据的第一步,也是最重要的一个环节,须从电子数据的收集原则、收集规则和注意事项等方面进行全面把握,从而避免电子数据因不当收集而缺乏证据资格。 第三章,电子数据的证据交换。在证据交换制度不发达的我国,如何实现新事物——电子数据的证据交换是电子数据运用研究的新领域,本文从电子数据的证据交换的意义、困境、制度构建和操作规则四个方面入手,对电子数据的证据交换进行了比较系统的阐述。 第四章,电子数据的认定。如何认定电子数据是法官在审理案件过程中必须谨慎对待的问题,本文抛弃我国对传统证据进行审查判断的做法,将电子数据的认定分为证据能力能力和证明力的认定两步进行,只有具有证据能力的电子数据才能有证明力大小之说,否则直接不能进入证明力大小的认定环节。
[Abstract]:In recent years, we have heard of the case of collecting debts from borrowers on the basis of mobile phone messages, and we have also seen reports of seeking payment from ex-boyfriends on the basis of QQ messages. Courts at all levels throughout the country have also collected documents from computers. A case in which information stored in a network server is judged as evidence. Why have we not heard of similar incidents or cases in previous years or earlier, but have recently sprung up like "volcanic eruptions"? Because of the rapid development of information and digitization, electronic data is spawned, urging our legislation and judicial practice to keep pace with the times. However, since the implementation of the new Code of Civil procedure on January 1, 2013, electronic data have not been widely used, and judicial practitioners are still cautious when they touch such cases. Why? Because the current legislation only provides for "electronic data" in the type of evidence, there are no corresponding rules as to how to apply it in the judicial practice of electronic data. Electronic data is different from traditional evidence, its application also has its own characteristics, and no matter what kind of evidence is used is a complex and systematic project, there is no practical application of guidance rules or judicial interpretation, Judicial workers are also afraid to cross the "thunder pool" one step. This shows that our country in the electronic data legislation is still very scarce, need to be improved. This also gives us the opportunity to strengthen the theoretical innovation and application of electronic data. Under the background of globalization, information and digitization, this paper takes the adoption of electronic data as one of the evidence types in our legislation as the premise, and based on the achievements of previous theories and practices. From the aspects of collecting electronic data, exchanging electronic data and identifying electronic data, the author tries to understand the characteristics of electronic data as a new thing in order to provide some suggestions for the practical application of electronic data. The first chapter is an overview of electronic data. From the three aspects of the meaning, characteristics and opposites of electronic data and audio-visual data, the author deepens the whole understanding of electronic data and puts forward some opinions of his own. The second chapter is the collection of electronic data. Collection is the first step and the most important link in the application of electronic data. It should be comprehensively grasped from the principles, rules and matters needing attention of electronic data collection, so as to avoid the lack of evidence qualification due to improper collection of electronic data. Chapter three, evidence exchange of electronic data. In our country where the system of evidence exchange is not developed, how to realize the new thing-the evidence exchange of electronic data is a new field of research on the application of electronic data. Starting with four aspects of system construction and operation rules, this paper systematically expounds the evidence exchange of electronic data. Chapter IV, the identification of electronic data. How to think that electronic data is a problem that judges must treat with caution in the course of hearing cases, this paper abandons the way of examining and judging traditional evidence in our country. The identification of electronic data is divided into two steps: the ability of evidence and the power of proof. Only the electronic data with the ability of evidence can have the theory of the power of proof, otherwise, the identification of the power of proof can not be directly entered.


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