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发布时间:2018-04-20 18:15

  本文选题:非典型强奸案 + 证据审查 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, different from most rape cases of "stranger violence", the proportion of "acquaintance non-violence" pattern of atypical rape cases is gradually increasing. Most of the parties involved in the atypical rape cases are friends and colleagues who are familiar with the relationship. Most of the places where the crime occurred are in relatively independent and private space, and the perpetrators have almost no forced acts or have little force of coercion. The victim did not act against the victim or the resistance was slight, the trace was not obvious, and the suspect often argued that the sexual act occurred voluntarily by the victim and that the victim's statements at the investigation and trial stages of the case were often repeated, The emergence of these new cases makes the evidence recognition of atypical rape cases become a difficult problem in the judicial practice of our country. Therefore, we need to further consider the model of evidence review in atypical rape cases, which has a very positive significance to the case facts. This article is divided into three parts: the first part focuses on the analysis of the lack of evidence review model of non-typical rape cases in the judicial practice of our country at present, specifically speaking, there are the following points: first, the deficiency of "mutual confirmation" proof mode in practice; The second is the deficiency of "rule of experience" in practice, and the third is that hearsay evidence enters the trial. At the same time, in atypical rape cases, because of its particularity, both parties' previous statements are variable, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of evidence examination. The second part through a specific case, on the basis of the investigation of the evidence qualification and the evidence proof power in the atypical rape case, analyzes the evidence confirmation problem in the atypical rape case. In the course of criminal proceedings, examination and confirmation of evidence is the basis and premise of finding out the facts of a case. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the "evidence qualification" and "evidence proof power" of evidence in atypical rape cases, and to standardize the understanding of evidence acceptance by judicial staff during the examination process of evidence in atypical rape cases. The third part is to further consider the evidence review model of atypical rape cases in China, aiming at the shortcomings of the current evidence review model of atypical rape cases in China, put forward the relevant improvement measures. This paper holds that the evidence examination mode of atypical rape cases should be based on the principle of direct words and the application of confrontation, supplemented by the perfection of relevant supporting system. However, due to the variability of previous statements in atypical rape cases, the probative power is not guaranteed, so the review of previous statements should also be improved.


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