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发布时间:2018-04-20 22:11

  本文选题:新民事诉讼法 + 举证时限 ; 参考:《厦门大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:新修订的《民事诉讼法》于2013年1月1日正式开始实施。该法第65条确立了证据适时提出原则,举证时限制度在我国法律中有了名正言顺的地位。但在新《民事诉讼法》下,举证时限制度的完善还困难重重。新修法典对举证时限的规定存在条文简单笼统、缺乏可操作性等缺陷,要将举证时限制度落到实处,仍须依赖原有的司法解释和司法经验。可以预料到,·在未来的一段时间内,我国举证时限制度的运行仍会遭遇困境。据此,本文以举证期限和逾期举证的法律后果两项内容为线索,并结合第65条在实践中的初步适用情况,分析新《民事诉讼法》下举证时限制度存在的部分问题,拟提出一些能够使举证时限制度在现阶段良好运行的基本对策。 全文除引言和结语外,共分为四章: 第一章论述举证时限制度的基本问题,包括举证时限制度的概念、价值及其在我国的历史沿革。本章着重分析了举证时限制度旧有概念存在的弊端,并对新《民事诉讼法》下举证时限制度的概念进行重构,为下文论证作好铺垫。 第二章对举证期限的基本内容如举证期限的性质和确定方式进行分析,详细剖析了举证期限届满与举证逾期的临界点的区别;接着探讨了审限、法院调查收集的证据、申请延长举证期限、诉讼请求的增加、变更及提起反诉、鉴定申请等与举证期限密切相关的部分程序问题;第三节着重对简易程序中的举证期限问题进行分析。 第三章讨论了逾期举证的法律后果。首先对可罚性逾期举证行为的构成要件进行界定,进而提出我国应当将“新证据”规则予以废除的主张。其次对可罚性逾期举证行为的几种制裁结果及其启动机制进行详细探讨。 第四章是逾期举证之法律后果的异议(救济)制度。从设立异议(救济)制度的必要性与异议的对象范围、具体处理程序两个方面具体论述。
[Abstract]:The newly revised Code of Civil procedure was formally implemented on January 1, 2013. Article 65 of the law establishes the principle of timely presentation of evidence, and the system of time limit of proof has a proper position in Chinese law. However, under the new Civil procedure Law, it is difficult to perfect the system of proof time limit. The provisions of the new code on the time limit of proof have some defects, such as simple and general provisions, lack of maneuverability, and so on. In order to put the system of the time of proof into practice, we still have to rely on the original judicial interpretation and judicial experience. It can be expected that, in the future, the system of proof time will still run into difficulties. On the basis of this, this paper takes the time limit of proof and the legal consequence of late proof as the clue, and combined with the preliminary application of article 65 in practice, analyzes some problems existing in the system of the time limit of proof under the new Civil procedure Law. This paper puts forward some basic countermeasures which can make the system of proof time run well at the present stage. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into four chapters: The first chapter discusses the basic problems of the system of the time limit of proof, including the concept, value and historical evolution of the system of proof time limit in our country. This chapter focuses on the analysis of the defects of the old concept of the system of the time limit of proof, and reconstructs the concept of the system of the time limit of proof under the new Civil procedure Law, so as to pave the way for the following argumentation. The second chapter analyzes the basic content of the period of proof, such as the nature and determination of the period of proof, analyzes the difference between the expiration of the period of proof and the critical point of the deadline of proof in detail, and then probes into the evidence collected by the court. Application for extension of the period of proof, the increase of litigation requests, changes and the filing of counterclaims, appraisal applications and other closely related to the period of proof of some procedural issues; the third section focuses on the summary procedure in the analysis of the time limit of proof. The third chapter discusses the legal consequences of late proof. This paper first defines the constitutive elements of punishable late proof, and then puts forward the proposition that "new evidence" rules should be abolished in our country. Secondly, some sanctions and their initiation mechanism are discussed in detail. The fourth chapter is the system of dissent (relief) of the legal consequences of late proof. This paper discusses the necessity of setting up dissent (relief) system and the object scope of dissent.


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