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发布时间:2018-04-20 22:24

  本文选题:判例纂辑方法 + 案例指导制度 ; 参考:《法商研究》2013年01期

[Abstract]:Case guidance system may become a vassal of judicial interpretation system or a forerunner of case law system with Chinese characteristics, and its future depends on the action of legal community. Since the compilation, search and compilation of jurisprudence and the results of its research are the foundation work of the action of the entire legal Community, the mechanism of the methodology for the compilation of jurisprudence should be revealed, To stimulate the sense of mission of the legal community in the compilation of jurisprudence, to integrate the work of case studies on its own, and to establish a rich, reliable and succinct database of case studies and case studies. Abstract the pristine essence of the case database and case study library to create the knowledge treasure shared by the legal community. In this process, it is necessary to adopt academic participation in all kinds of writing styles to promote the mechanism of jurisprudence and academic generality, especially the special role of summative works.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究资助项目(12YJC820095) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2012M520227)


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