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发布时间:2018-04-21 02:36

  本文选题:行政诉讼 + 层级监督行为 ; 参考:《政治与法律》2017年12期

[Abstract]:In general terms, the administrative organs between the upper and lower levels of supervision has been classified as administrative internal acts, no administrative litigation. Cui Yongchao v. Jinan City people's Government of Shandong Province does not perform its statutory duties to a certain extent can be regarded as one of the important cases supported by this general theory. Among the reasons for the case, the court can support the conclusion of the case when it characterizes the hierarchical supervision legal relationship as an internal act of administration. However, the argumentation of the reasons of the judge has turned to the discussion of the relationship between the right of change or rescission and the rights and obligations of the applicant and the interests of the suit. This can be interpreted as the court does not deny the existence of a hierarchy of supervision and the plaintiff Cui Yongchao between some kind of rights and obligations. Therefore, in similar cases in the future, by referring to the case, the possible breakthrough point of the court is that, with the aid of legal interpretation technology, based on the two factors of "application" and "externalization", it can be conditionally recognized that some of the hierarchical supervision acts are actionable.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学光华法学院;


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