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发布时间:2018-04-21 03:02

  本文选题:特别重大贿赂案件 + 侦查阶段 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The criminal procedure law has always been known as the minor constitution in the academic world. As one of the important references to measure the human rights situation of a country, the protection of human rights in the criminal procedure law mainly includes the human rights protection of the criminal suspect and the defendant. Lawyer's right of meeting is an important right for lawyers to meet suspects and defendants in custody under the Criminal procedure Law. The meeting at the investigation stage can provide legal advice and help for the suspects in custody, supervise and correct the illegal investigation techniques, and exclude illegal evidence, which is of great significance to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the criminal suspects. However, the judicial practice shows that the lawyer's right to meet in the investigation stage is very easy to be infringed upon, so as to find out the deep-seated reasons behind the phenomenon of the lawyer's meeting difficulty, and to put forward some improvement measures to balance the reasonable concerns of all parties. It has important practical significance for standardizing lawyer meeting system, realizing benign interaction between prosecution and defense, accusing crime according to law, better protecting the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects, and promoting the development and progress of criminal defense system. This thesis is divided into four parts in addition to introduction and conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the first part introduces the relevant provisions of the law of our country for lawyers. The law of our country has experienced a process of strict restriction to gradual relaxation of lawyers' interviews. At present, only in the investigation stage are the permission and interview systems for crimes against national security, crimes of terrorist activities and especially serious bribery crimes. As far as the investigation stage of job-related crimes is concerned, the major crimes of bribery are mainly the amount of more than 500000 yuan involved, which has a significant social impact and involves the major interests of the state. The relief for the right of meeting only depends on the internal examination of the procuratorial organs by themselves. Make a decision whether or not to allow the meeting. The second part, combs the investigation stage lawyer to meet the movement condition. At present, especially important bribery cases occupy a certain proportion in bribery cases, leading to a large number of cases in which lawyers need to apply for interviews, but the proportion of lawyers applying for permission to meet in the investigation stage is also relatively low. Individual investigation departments did not respond promptly to lawyers' requests for interviews, took advantage of legal loopholes to delay lawyers' meetings, or even broke through the provisions of cases to restrict lawyers' meetings. Within the procuratorial organs, it was unclear which department should be responsible for ensuring lawyers' right to meet, and their powers and responsibilities were unclear. The examination of lawyer's meeting complaint is simplistic, so it is difficult to protect the lawyer's right of meeting effectively. The third part analyzes the deep reasons behind the difficulty of meeting lawyers. There are two main reasons for the difficulty in meeting lawyers. As far as procuratorial organs are concerned, the change in law enforcement concept is not timely, the transformation of investigation mode is not timely, the system of examination and evaluation of law enforcement cases is unreasonable, and so on. The procuratorial organs are driven by the interests of the departments. It is inevitable that the meeting will be improperly obstructed. As far as reasons other than procuratorial organs are concerned, they are mainly due to the lack of leniency of relevant legal norms, the influence of lawyers' deep involvement on the traditional investigation mode, the improper intervention of discipline inspection and supervision organs, and so on. The above reasons are intertwined with each other. This led to the difficulty of meeting lawyers. The fourth part, puts forward the suggestion of protecting lawyer's right of meeting. In order to better protect lawyers' right to meet with each other, procuratorial organs must change the concept of law enforcement in time, promote the transformation and development of investigation mode, improve the level and ability of investigation, and better deal with the influence of lawyers' deep involvement in investigation. At the same time, it is also necessary to implement the principal responsibility of procurators in handling cases, expand the channels of supervision over investigation activities, straighten out the division of functions between procuratorial organs and discipline inspection and supervision organs, strengthen coordination between public procuratorates and law departments, and clearly limit the scope of meeting cases. Prevent arbitrary interpretation of legal provisions.


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