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发布时间:2018-04-21 06:12

  本文选题:第三人撤销之诉 + 适用困境 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:第三人撤销之诉制度是一个从法国和台湾传过来的舶来品,我国之所以引入此项制度,其目的是为了打击虚假诉讼给第三人权益造成的损害,因为经济生活参与主体甚众,利益牵涉颇广,加之交易诚信的缺失,我国第三人撤销之诉制度的设置确有其必要,但是法律的规定过于笼统和抽象,加之我国并没有形成完整的既判力制度,使得第三人撤销之诉制度在实际适用时存在很多的问题和分歧,第三人撤销之诉的性质,功能定位,第三人撤销之诉适用的主体和客体以及第三人撤销之诉与相关制度之间的关系问题都没有十分清楚的界定,导致我国第三人撤销之诉制度在各个法院的适用状况并不理想。 第三人撤销之诉是一个新诉,第三人在诉中是原告的地位,非再审之诉,应该按照一审程序进行审理,有独立请求权和无独立请求权第三人作为主体的适用范围非常有限,应该对它作适当的放宽,对于其他符合条件的案外人只要满足一定的要件也应该准予适用。对撤销之诉的客体,裁定基本上没有适用之余地,而对于其他具有执行效力的法律文书应该可以适用。对第三人撤销之诉的入口总体上把握从宽的态度,不能审查过于严格,采用释明的标准,只要依据表面证据能够做出初步判断符合法定的条件即可,没有必要设置类似于再审之诉的事前审查程序,同时也要通过制定惩罚措施和加强诚信原则的建设来加强对第三人滥用撤销之诉的防范,使其能够最大程度保护第三人的利益同时减少对判决效力既判力的冲击,以维持程序的安定性。对于第三人撤销之诉制度和案外人申请再审之间关系的协调问题,二者各有自己的适用范围但是也不可避免会有交叉,正确的厘清二者之间的关系,划分二者的适用范围,才能构筑第三人权利保护的坚强堡垒。 通过对我国法律现有的关于对第三人权利保护的规定以及我国在适用第三人撤销之诉制度的现状分析,并结合国外相关立法例给予的参考,思考我国民事诉讼法关于第三人撤销之诉制度的不足之处及立法完善,找到法律规定与现实存在反差的原因,进而对第三人撤销制度的具体程序进行设计,以期能够为第三人撤销之诉制度的具体适用提供可供参考的建议。 全文共分六个部分: 导言部分介绍了第三人撤销之诉制度的选题背景和依据,,研究价值和研究方法。 第一章介绍我国关于第三人撤销之诉制度的立法规定,《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(以下简称《民事诉讼法》)增加它的背景,既判力制度与第三人撤销之诉制度的关系,我国过去对第三人保护的实践做法,国外立法例的规定及对我国的借鉴意义做了重点的论述。 第二章介绍了第三人撤销之诉制度在我国的适用现状,并重点对第三人撤销之诉制度适用主体和可撤销的范围进行了研究。 第三章介绍了第三人撤销之诉制度的性质和程序设计,主要从审理程序、证明标准、立案审查、法院管辖、费用缴纳、滥诉的规制等方面进行了设计。 第四章分析了第三人撤销之诉制度与相关制度之间的关系,重点区分第三人撤销诉讼与执行异议,恶意诉讼及案外人申请再审的关系。 结语部分对上文进行了总结。
[Abstract]:The third party revocation system is an import from France and Taiwan. The reason why our country has introduced this system is to crack down on the damage caused by the false litigation to the third rights and interests, because the main body of the economic life, the broad interests involved, and the lack of honesty and credibility, the revocation system of the third people in our country. It is necessary to set up the law, but the legal provisions are too general and abstract, and our country has not formed a complete system of res judicata, so that there are many problems and differences in the actual application of the third party system, the nature of the third revocation of the lawsuit, the functional orientation, the subject and object of the application of the revocation of the lawsuit by the third. The relationship between the revocation of the third party and the related system has not been clearly defined. The application of the system of revocation of the third people in our country is not ideal in the various courts.
The third person revoking the lawsuit is a new lawsuit. The third party is the plaintiff in the lawsuit, and the non retrial lawsuit should be tried in accordance with the first instance procedure. The application scope of the third persons with independent claim and no independent claim is very limited. It should be relaxed to meet the other eligible cases. For the object of the revocation, the object of the revocation of the lawsuit is largely unapplicable, and the other legal instruments that have the effect of execution should be applicable. In general, the entrance to the third party's revocation of the complaint is generally held in a broad manner, which can not be examined too strictly, the standard of interpretation is adopted, as long as it is based on surface evidence. It is possible to make a preliminary judgement in accordance with the legal conditions. It is not necessary to set up a pre review procedure similar to the case of retrial. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention of the abuses of the third party by formulating the punishment measures and strengthening the principle of good faith, so that it can protect the interests of third people at the same time and reduce the judgment of the judgment. In order to maintain the impact of the res judicata, in order to maintain the stability of the procedure, the two parties have their own scope of application but inevitably cross the relationship between the third people revoking system and the application of the retrial, but the relationship between the two and the scope of the two can be clearly defined and the rights of the third party can be constructed. A strong fortress of protection.
Through the analysis of the existing provisions on the protection of the rights of the third party in our law and the present situation of our country in the application of the third party revocation system, and the reference given by the relevant foreign legislation, this paper thinks about the shortcomings and legislative perfection of the system of the revocation of the third party in the Civil Procedure Law of our country, and finds the legal provisions and the reality. The reasons for the existence of the contrast, and then the design of the specific procedures for the revocation of the third party, in order to provide a reference for the specific application of the third revocation of the system.
The full text is divided into six parts:
The introductory part introduces the background and basis of the third party's revocation litigation system, and the research value and research methods.
The first chapter introduces the legislative provisions on the system of third party revocation. The People's Republic of China Civil Procedure Law (hereinafter referred to as "the Civil Procedure Law >") adds its background, the relationship between the system of both the res judicata and the revocation of the third party, the practice of the protection of the third persons in the past, the provisions of foreign legislation and our country The emphasis is made on the significance of the reference.
The second chapter introduces the application status of the third party revocation system in China, and focuses on the subject and the scope of the revocable scope of the system of revocation of the third party.
The third chapter introduces the nature and program design of the third party revocation system, mainly from the aspects of the trial procedure, the standard of proof, the examination of the case, the jurisdiction of the court, the payment of the expenses, the regulation of the indiscriminate prosecution and so on.
The fourth chapter analyzes the relationship between the third party revocation system and the related system, and focuses on the relationship between the third party revocation of the lawsuit and the execution objection, the malicious lawsuit and the application for the retrial of the outsider.
The concluding part summarizes the previous article.



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