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发布时间:2018-04-21 10:18

  本文选题:法院调解 + 成本收益分析 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, most of the research results of court mediation are carried out along the path of legal hermeneutics, and the hidden economic benefits behind it are not seen. As a result, the emphasis on resources investment is less than on allocation accounting, and on system construction and decision making. Emphasis on the macro should be slight view of the reality of the phenomenon. The cost-benefit analysis in economics will provide a new perspective for the study of court mediation. In the view of law and economics, as two basic methods of dispute settlement, court mediation and judgment are regarded as "products" in the dispute settlement market. What kind of product the parties choose is based on the measurement of cost and benefit, that is, comparing the "input cost" of the action with the "output benefit" after the action. The same is true of what products are available to the court. At the cost level, by comparing the explicit and implicit costs between the parties' costs and the court costs in court mediation and judgment, we can draw the conclusion that the court mediation cost is less than the judgment cost in general, but for the need for multiple mediation, Whether this conclusion is valid or not depends on the specific circumstances of the case. On the one hand, on the one hand, the parties to a dispute use court mediation and judgment to resolve disputes in different expected interests, in the judgment only focus on internal interests, while in court mediation also focus on foreign interests; on the other hand, The judgment of our country is influenced by the problems of "final appeal" and "execution difficulty", and the court mediation has the characteristics of being unable to appeal, it is difficult to retry, the voluntary performance is strong and the effect of execution is better, and the actual effect of court mediation is better than that of judgment. Therefore, based on the premise of rational person, in general, the difference between expected benefit and cost of court mediation is greater than the difference between expected income and cost in adjudication, except for cases that require a large amount of time and labor costs. Parties to a dispute will choose court mediation to resolve the dispute. On the basis of the above analysis, through the "startup model" and "consensus model" and other court mediation cost-benefit analysis model, The following enlightening conclusions can be obtained: the cost of judgment is proportional to the possibility of the parties to reach a mediation agreement, and the reduction of the expectation of the parties is conducive to reaching an agreement through mediation; The behavior of the mediator has important influence on the reaching of the mediation agreement. Based on this, the paper draws the enlightenment of promoting the development of court mediation, such as exerting the leverage of litigation expenses, paying attention to the fact finding and evidence exchanging, and carrying out the system of full-time court mediators to promote the development of court mediation.


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