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发布时间:2018-04-22 05:29

  本文选题:家事调解 + 互让 ; 参考:《社会科学辑刊》2013年02期

[Abstract]:The particularity of family disputes determines that family mediation has an incomparable advantage over family litigation. In order to maximize the success probability of family mediation, it is necessary to summarize and comb the technical structure of family mediation. The success of family mediation should first look for the factors of "mutual accommodation" between the parties, and promote the settlement of some disputes in time; secondly, it should analyze the "facts" in the family cases, and urge the parties to rationally understand their position in the disputes at home and accept the mediation. Finally, the application of "emotion, reason and law" aims at persuading the mediator from outside to accept mediation when it is difficult for the parties to reach a settlement with themselves.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学法学院;


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4 记者 王忠涛 通讯员 温宇飞;各级军法认真抓好民事审判[N];人民法院报;2002年

5 顾 元;中国传统司法纠纷认知模式[N];人民法院报;2002年

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