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发布时间:2018-04-23 07:37

  本文选题:律师制度 + 惩戒制度 ; 参考:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In our country, lawyers are an indispensable force in building a socialist country ruled by law under the leadership of the Party. Under the background of promoting the rule of law in an all-round way, the central government pays more attention to the management and construction of the law profession. The fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee clearly proposed to supervise lawyers to strictly abide by professional ethics and ethics, strengthen access, withdraw from management, and strictly enforce the disciplinary system of illegal and illegal practice. Therefore, under the new situation, it is particularly important to study and improve the lawyer management and its supporting disciplinary system. The discipline of lawyers is an indispensable part of the lawyer management system. Discipline is not the purpose of management, but the realization of management goal needs a sound disciplinary system to maintain. Without disciplinary means, management will have no deterrent, and it will be difficult to achieve the goal of management. Based on the review of the development of China's lawyer disciplinary system, and on the basis of analyzing and comparing the lawyers' disciplinary system in Britain, the United States and France, and in Taiwan, this paper makes an analysis and study of the current lawyer's disciplinary system in China. The author thinks that there are some problems in the current disciplinary system of lawyers, such as the opacity of disciplinary procedures, the unsmooth operation of disciplinary institutions, the lack of provisions of disciplinary procedures, the weak disciplinary functions, too few disciplinary practices, the imperfect right of disciplinary remedies, and so on. In view of how to establish and perfect the lawyer disciplinary system suitable for our country's basic national conditions, the author thinks that we should take measures in line with local conditions, proceed from the reality of our country, not copy the western model completely, and emphasize too much on the high degree of autonomy of the lawyer profession. We should combine the basic situation of our country, give play to the system superiority, strengthen the party building work of the lawyer profession, coordinate all parties to advance as a whole. Insist on the leading position of the judicial administrative organ to the lawyer's discipline, and give play to the function of the administrative punishment in the lawyer's discipline. The disclosing and querying mechanism of lawyers' bad practice information record and the national credit system should be constructed synchronously, managed synchronously, effectively connected, and established and perfected the lawyer's exiting mechanism.


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