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发布时间:2018-04-23 08:50

  本文选题:形式当事人 + 立案受理当事人 ; 参考:《法制与社会发展》2017年05期

[Abstract]:Through the investigation of the civil procedure law, the judicial interpretation and the "parties" in the judicial case, the parties can find that the parties include various types of "from the form parties to the legitimate parties". The 119th article of the civil procedure law puts the litigant at the stage of the prosecution, which leads to the legitimate parties of the above-mentioned types of parties due to the same review procedure. Under the registration system of filing a case, the filing procedures should be divided into registration procedures and examination and admissibility procedures according to different procedural functions. On this basis, the "formal parties registration procedure", "the litigant accepting the case acceptance procedure", and the system and procedural framework of "the legitimate parties to the substantive trial procedure" will be formed. People's censorship is divided into three levels: "formal parties", "filing cases, accepting parties" and "just parties", so as to balance the right of litigation protection and trial pressure.

【作者单位】: 天津大学法学院;


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