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发布时间:2018-04-24 07:55

  本文选题:公诉案件 + 刑事和解 ; 参考:《福州大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:面对传统刑事司法效率低下、对案件当事人的主体地位尊重不够、无法实现个案正义、不能达到多方利益平衡、对罪犯改造效果不理想和不能充分体现现代刑法精神的困境,在国内外刑法理论的影响下,刑事和解运动方兴未艾。但是目前国内学者对刑事和解制度的研究多停留在自诉案件上,无法在更大范围内发挥和解制度的优势。文章试图扩大刑事和解的适用范围,将和解制度推广到公诉案件。 文章先引出公诉案件刑事和解的必要性,然后分四个部分进行阐述:第一部分,在借鉴学界对刑事和解定义的基础上,力图对公诉案件刑事和解制度的内涵做出界定,着重突出案件的公诉性质,强调和解的仅适用于侦查和起诉阶段,和解过程中必须有公权力机关的参与原则。接着追溯了刑事案件和解的发展脉络,并对公诉案件刑事和解制度的价值进行了分析。 第二部分,从理论方面对公诉案件刑事和解进行阐述,主要介绍了教育刑主义刑法理论、刑法的目的性理论、刑法的节制性理论、刑事法律关系主体理论,并指出公诉案件刑事和解存在与传统公平正义理念相冲突、与国家公诉权相冲突两大理论困境及解决的途径。 第三部分,,从现实方面进行论述,主要介绍了传统和合文化与构建和谐社会的大环境、宽严相济的刑事司法政策、现行刑事法律规范对自诉案件刑事和解的有关规定、实务界的突破和尝试五方面内容,并对其存在的与现行刑事实体法相冲突、缺乏配套体制的现实困境予以化解。 第四部分,从孟广虎一案引入公诉案件刑事和解应遵循平等自愿、公平合理、利益平衡和公权力机关参与四大基本原则,然后从和解制度的主体、范围、适用阶段、适用条件、和解协议的内容及效力和和解的调停机关六个方面进行具体构建,最后针对文章第三部分中提出的公诉案件刑事和解制度缺乏配套体制的困境,重点介绍了有罪答辩制度、检察机关裁量权制度、被害人损害赔偿金制度,进一步完善公诉案件刑事和解制度运行的体制环境。
[Abstract]:In the face of the low efficiency of traditional criminal justice, the lack of respect for the principal position of the parties to the case, the inability to achieve case justice, the inability to achieve a balance of interests, the unsatisfactory effect of reforming criminals and the plight of failing to fully reflect the spirit of modern criminal law. Under the influence of the criminal law theory at home and abroad, the criminal reconciliation movement is in the ascendant. But at present, the domestic scholars' research on the criminal reconciliation system mostly stays on the private prosecution cases, and can not give full play to the advantages of the reconciliation system in a larger scope. The article tries to expand the scope of criminal reconciliation and extend the system of reconciliation to public prosecution cases. The article first leads to the necessity of criminal reconciliation in public prosecution cases, and then expounds it in four parts: the first part, on the basis of drawing lessons from the definition of criminal reconciliation in academic circles, tries to define the connotation of criminal reconciliation system in public prosecution cases. It emphasizes the nature of public prosecution, emphasizes that reconciliation is only applicable to the stage of investigation and prosecution, and that there must be the principle of the participation of the public power organs in the process of reconciliation. Then it traces the development of criminal case reconciliation and analyzes the value of criminal reconciliation system in public prosecution cases. The second part expounds the criminal reconciliation of public prosecution cases from the theoretical aspect, mainly introduces the theory of educational criminal law, the purpose theory of criminal law, the abstinence theory of criminal law, the subject theory of criminal legal relationship. It also points out that the criminal reconciliation of public prosecution cases conflicts with the traditional concept of fairness and justice, and conflicts with the national right of public prosecution. The third part, from the realistic aspect, mainly introduces the traditional and harmonious culture and the construction of a harmonious society, the criminal justice policy of combining leniency and severity, and the relevant provisions of the current criminal law norms on the criminal reconciliation of private prosecution cases. The breakthrough and attempt of the practical circles in five aspects, and its existence with the current criminal substantive law conflict, the lack of supporting system to resolve the practical difficulties. In the fourth part, the criminal reconciliation of public prosecution cases introduced from Meng Guanghu case should follow the four basic principles of equality, fairness and reasonableness, balance of interests and participation of public power organs, and then from the subject, scope, application stage and applicable conditions of the reconciliation system. The content and effectiveness of the settlement agreement and the mediation organs of conciliation are concretely constructed. Finally, in view of the plight of the criminal reconciliation system of public prosecution cases lacking a supporting system, the author focuses on the system of guilty defense, which is proposed in the third part of the article. The system of procuratorial organs' discretion, the system of victim damages and the system of criminal reconciliation in public prosecution cases are further improved.


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