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发布时间:2018-04-25 10:25

  本文选题:民事诉讼制度目的论 + 实践意义 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:民事诉讼制度目的是什么,这是民事诉讼法学者所必须要研究的问题。当前,我国对于民事诉讼制度的研究尚处于认识的阶段,对于民事诉讼制度目的的研究缺乏对其实践意义的认识。应当看到,民事诉讼制度目的在我国的确立,对于我国的司法实践而言具有重大的意义,即通过民事诉讼制度目的的明确来指导解释论及立法论,落实具体的民事诉讼制度体系。 本文通过五个部分对民事诉讼制度目的论的实践意义进行论述并展开。 第一部分中,笔者通过对当前我国民事诉讼制度目的论的研究现状进行论述及评述,言明当前我国对于民事诉讼制度目的论的研究缺乏对于其实践意义的认识,缺乏对目的论视角的整理。进而笔者通过三个角度,对民事诉讼制度目的研究的进行视角的整理。随之,笔者对当前各个学说进行分析,提出民事诉讼制度目的应当回归权利保护说,并对其原因进行相应的分析,指出民事诉讼目的回归权利保护说是与我国民事诉讼制度的现状与国情相符合。 第二部分中,笔者对权利保护说与民事诉讼基本原则的关系进行论述。处分原则与辩论原则作为民事诉讼制度的基本原则,在民事诉讼制度中发挥着重要的作用。在处分原则下,处分原则的规定反映了权利保护的目的,同时处分原则与职权进行主义之间存在着相互的交错。而在我国当前存在着对处分原则不当的限制。在辩论原则下,由于历史的原因,我国对于辩论原则的认识存在误区,笔者企图通过对大陆法系辩论主义以及辩论原则与职权原则的交错的介绍,进而提出对我国辩论原则的重塑。 第三部分中,笔者对权利保护说与诉讼构造之间的关系进行论述。诉权是民事诉讼制度的基本理论之一,对于民事诉讼制度而言起到了制度构造的指引作用。在权利保护目的下,诉权应当是权利保护请求权,在具体内容上,关于诉的利益以及当事人适格问题,应当从诉讼法与实体法的二元角度进行看待,对诉讼构造进行阶段性构造。而在诉讼标的上,权利保护目的下其应是实体法上的权利或法律关系,相继的既判力的客观范围应当是当事人主张的实体法上的权利或法律关系。 第四部分中,,笔者对民事诉讼制度目的论与替代性纠纷解决机制之间的关系进行论述。两者之间存在着区别与联系,而在权利保护的目的下,民事诉讼制度具有独立的价值,但同时两者之间存在着明确紧密的联系,如何对两者之间的关系进行明确,将是继续研究的问题。 在结语部分,笔者指出明确权利保护的目的,通过指导立法或司法解释,具体落实民事诉讼制度体系将对我国民事诉讼制度而言是划时代的进步。同时,在当今的国际大舞台上,构建完善的民事诉讼制度目的才能使我国民事诉讼制度与世界接轨,与其他国家,尤其是成文法国家进行对话,彼此互相吸收,互相促进,从国际化的视野来看待民事诉讼制度。
[Abstract]:The purpose of the civil litigation system is what , it is the problem that the civil procedure law scholar must study . At present , the study of the civil litigation system is still in the stage of cognition , and the study of the purpose of the civil litigation system lacks the understanding of its practical significance . It should be seen that the purpose of the civil action system is very important in our country ' s judicial practice .

This paper discusses and develops the practical significance of the objective theory of civil litigation system through five parts .

In the first part , the author discusses the present situation of the study of the objective theory of civil litigation system in our country .

In the second part , the author discusses the relation between the right protection theory and the basic principle of civil litigation . The principle of punishment and the principle of debate play an important role in the civil litigation system .

In the third part , the author discusses the relation between the right protection theory and the litigation structure . The right is one of the basic theories of the civil litigation system . In the case of the protection of the right , the right should be the right to protect the right of claim .

In the fourth part , the author discusses the relationship between the objective theory of civil litigation system and the alternative dispute settlement mechanism .

In the conclusion part , the author points out that the purpose of the protection of the right is to guide the legislative or judicial interpretation , and to implement the system of civil litigation will be an epoch - making progress for our country ' s civil litigation system . At the same time , in the present international arena , we should construct the perfect civil litigation system so as to bring our country ' s civil litigation system into dialogue with the world , absorb each other , promote each other , and view the civil action system from the perspective of internationalization .



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