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发布时间:2018-04-26 13:36

  本文选题:行政公益诉讼 + 起诉主体资格 ; 参考:《河北大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the economy and society, the expansion of the power of the administrative organs, the administrative organs do not carry out the legal policy, abuse of power, administrative monopoly, neglect of duty and other inaction in the process of administrative law enforcement. It not only damages the image of the government and the dignity of the law, but also causes great losses to the public interest of the country and society. If the legitimate rights and interests of an individual citizen are infringed upon by an administrative organ, he may file an administrative suit in a people's court. However, if the social and public interests of a non-specific majority of the people are infringed by an administrative illegal act, Who will maintain the need for a special litigation system to protect, the administrative public interest litigation system emerged as the times require. The administrative public interest litigation system mainly includes the subject of prosecution, the scope of the case, the burden of proof, the procedure, the responsibility and the relationship with other litigation. Among them, the determination of the main body of administrative public interest litigation is the first problem to be solved. The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the Rule of Law on several important issues", adopted by the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, explicitly states "to explore the system of public interest litigation by procuratorial organs." This pointed out the direction for the procuratorial organ as the subject of administrative public interest litigation. It is not only feasible but also very necessary to establish the administrative public interest litigation system of procuratorial organ as the main body of prosecution. Administrative public interest litigation refers to citizens, legal persons and other organizations who believe that the administrative subject does not exercise its functions and powers or that there are illegal acts in the course of exercising its functions and powers, which infringe upon the public interests of the state or society or are likely to be infringed upon, Although the act or result has no direct interest in itself, in order to safeguard the national or public interests, the individual or the specialized organ prescribed by law shall file a suit with the people's court, Activities to be tried by the court in accordance with the administrative procedure. Many countries in the world have established the administrative public interest litigation system. According to their national history and national conditions, different countries have different regulations on the subject of administrative public interest litigation. Judging from the current situation of our country, there are still many practical problems existing in the prosecution of administrative public interest litigation by citizens and social organizations. The procuratorial organ, as the national legal supervision organ, has the legal position to initiate administrative public welfare litigation. There are obvious advantages in feasibility and functional effect. Administrative public interest litigation is related to and different from traditional administrative litigation and representative litigation. In the system of evidence, procuratorial organs have independent right to investigate and collect evidence in administrative public interest litigation. It is necessary to define the scope of accepting cases, and there are many specific problems to be analyzed and studied in order to perfect the system of procuratorial organs to file administrative public interest litigation.


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