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发布时间:2018-04-26 12:13

  本文选题:在场权 + 律师 ; 参考:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The right of lawyer's presence is one of the contents of the right of defense, and its essence is the restriction of public power. The presence of lawyers during interrogation is a requirement of the theory of human rights protection. However, the newly revised Criminal procedure Law and the ongoing reform of the criminal procedure system in China have not put forward the concept of lawyer's right to be present. The value of lawyers' right to be present has been reflected in the practice of foreign countries and the pilot projects in some parts of our country. The difficulties faced by China in establishing the system of lawyer's presence are not small. The localization construction of lawyer presence system needs to fully understand the connotation of the system and the adaptability of the system in our country. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part clarifies the concept of lawyer's right to be present, narrates the connotation and classification of lawyer's right of presence, defines the right of lawyer's presence, and discusses the theoretical basis of lawyer's right of presence. It includes the theory of presumption of innocence, the theory of equality of prosecution and defense, the theory of procedural justice and the theory of human rights guarantee. The second part discusses the necessity and feasibility of establishing the system of lawyer's presence, and discusses the value of the system of lawyer's presence in the aspects of human rights protection, judicial justice, defense system, investigation and interrogation system. This paper analyzes the feasibility of establishing the system of lawyer's presence in our country in combination with overseas practical experience and our country's national conditions. The third part discusses the difficulties faced in establishing the system of lawyer's presence in our country, including the system of lawyer's presence and the efficiency of litigation, the contradiction between the existing lawyer's resources, the practicing risk of lawyer, and the psychological problem of the investigator's conflict with the system. The fourth part puts forward the conception of establishing the lawyer's presence system in our country, which is divided into two parts: the design of the lawyer's present system and the supporting construction of the lawyer's present system. This part discusses the scope of the case, the rights and obligations of the lawyer's presence, the procedure of the lawyer's presence, the system of the lawyer's presence and the system of audio and video recording. The relationship between duty lawyer system and criminal defense immunity system is analyzed.


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