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发布时间:2018-04-26 23:31

  本文选题:法官 + 律师 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the advancement of the process of ruling the country according to law, people expect and demand more and more justice. Therefore, the relationship between judges and lawyers has aroused great concern. Both judges and lawyers are engaged in legal work, with the common goal of achieving social equity and justice. Judicial justice plays an important leading role in social justice. Judicial justice provides protection for social justice. The relationship between judges and lawyers has an important impact on judicial justice and even social justice. Therefore, it is very important for the modernization of the rule of law to clear up the problems of judges and lawyers in our country and find out the countermeasures to solve the problems. Through the research of this subject and my own experience, I hope to do my best to solve the problem of the relationship between judge and lawyer. The main body of this paper is divided into four parts, the specific contents are as follows: the first part is an overview of the relationship between judges and lawyers in our country. First, the concept and characteristics of judges and lawyers are introduced, and then the relationship between judges and lawyers is interpreted from the whole. The author believes that judges and lawyers should establish a relationship of mutual independence, mutual respect, mutual supervision and mutual cooperation. The second part is the problems existing in the relationship between judges and lawyers in our country, from unequal dependence, occupational dislocation, improper "blending". This paper expounds the problems in the relationship between judges and lawyers in the four aspects of irrational confrontation relationship. This paper describes some bad phenomena in the relationship between judges and lawyers and the harm caused by these bad phenomena. The third part is the causes of the relationship between judges and lawyers in China. This part analyzes the causes of the above problems in detail from four aspects: the reasons of traditional culture, the reasons of social environment, the reasons of legal system and the reasons of practitioners. There is a causal relationship in all things. After finding the problem, we must find out the cause of the problem, and then find out the solution to the problem. The fourth part is the countermeasure of perfecting the relationship between judges and lawyers in our country. The author, based on the principle of finding problems, analyzing problems and solving problems, puts forward several suggestions from the system and ethical level: first, strengthen law education; second, Strengthen the construction of legal professional ethics: third, protect and improve the independence of judges; fourth, improve the status of lawyers, enhance the ability of lawyers to negotiate. Only in this way can we build a harmonious and healthy relationship between judges and lawyers.


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