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发布时间:2018-04-27 09:15

  本文选题:全面依法治国 + 检察机关 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The comprehensive rule of law is not only the latest achievement of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also the latest achievement of the Sinicization of Marxism. The CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, is guided by scientific theories based on Marxist world outlook and methodology to uphold and develop the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. Combined with the general law of the development of the rule of law and the rich practice of building China under the rule of law, the important strategic arrangements put forward from the height of continuously innovating and summing up the realization of the rule of law by national governance are put forward. At present, the hot topic of rule of law under the background of ruling the country according to law in an all-round way has been intensely discussed in academic circles, and many research results have appeared. The fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee clearly proposed to explore the establishment of procuratorial organs to institute a public interest litigation system, which is based on the basic principles of Marxism to make the correct choice in accordance with the specific conditions of our country. Subsequently, a number of related policy documents were issued one after another. The prosecution of civil prosecution by procuratorial organs has increasingly become a hot issue in judicial practice and academic circles in our country. It has left the procuratorial organs with more extensive exploration space and basis for their legal status in public prosecution cases and litigation procedures, which not only embodies the theoretical innovation, but also guides the practice innovation. It plays an important role in the development of public interest litigation in our country. Therefore, the role of procuratorial organs in judicial activities is becoming more and more obvious. As a supervisory organ in our judicial system, it is also an inevitable requirement for the procuratorial organs to bring civil public interest litigation with the public prosecutor as the main body. It can further standardize civil public interest litigation, avoid possible confusion in judicial practice, optimize the allocation of judicial powers and powers, expand the impact of litigation results, and thus promote the construction of a government ruled by law. Innovating and constructing the scientific legal theory system suitable for judicial practice. Under the benign development of the environment of the rule of law, the profound exploration of the important theory of governing the country by law in an all-round way, and the elaboration of this latest achievement of Marxism in China from many aspects, can guide the orderly progress of the practice of the rule of law. At the same time, under the background of comprehensively promoting the rule of law, this paper makes an all-round analysis on the necessity and feasibility of the procuratorial organ to initiate civil public interest litigation, and through the study of the current situation of its civil prosecution, Starting from the reality, combining the relevant legislation and judicial practice, this paper summarizes the factors that prevent its participation in the civil prosecution, and puts forward the corresponding perfect path to solve the problems, and formulates the corresponding basic principles of prosecution according to the results of the pilot project. Legislate clear the subject qualification of procuratorial organ, accurately grasp the scope of accepting case, explore relevant procedure design and so on. It is expected that through this study, the contents of the public prosecution system can be reasonably standardized, and the system of theoretical guidance for the procuratorial organ to exercise the power of civil prosecution can be provided to ensure the convenience and feasibility of its practice and operation. This is not only the urgent need to safeguard the public interest and strengthen the construction of the legal system, but also reflects the value of justice and order of the law, and the perfection and promotion of Marxism in China.


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