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发布时间:2018-04-27 13:56

  本文选题:逮捕权 + 滥用 ; 参考:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The arrest provided for in the law of our country is a kind of coercive measure of temporarily depriving a criminal suspect of his or her personal liberty pending the effective decision of the court. This coercive measure is the most severe of all coercive measures. It seriously affects the exercise of the citizen's basic right to personal freedom. However, the arrest system in our country is a combination of compulsory case behavior and detention behavior, and the examination of the necessity of custody is mainly an ex post examination of arrest. And is still dominated by the procuratorial organs, so there are still some practical problems, resulting in the abuse of compulsory measures of arrest to a certain extent, causing certain violations of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. The regulation and perfection of arrest measures are still urgent and realistic. This paper analyzes and studies the situation of the abuse of the power of arrest in the course of judicial practice, from the angle of judicial practice, explains the situation of the abuse of the power of arrest in the judicial practice through some cases, and aims at the situation of the abuse of the power of arrest. To find out the root of the problem of the abuse of the power of arrest, to analyze the defects in the legislation of the power of arrest in our country. Finally, combining with the judicial practice and advanced experience and practice in foreign law, the author focuses on how to perfect the existing arrest system of our country. Some suggestions on how to regulate arrest power are put forward in order to provide some references for the construction of the current scientific and benign arrest system, and it is hoped that the state will issue some laws as soon as possible, focusing on the cautious use of arrest measures. The system provides some legislative support for the regulation of arrest power, and further promotes the development of human rights in China.


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