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发布时间:2018-04-27 23:07

  本文选题:民行交叉 + 不动产 ; 参考:《延边大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在度过近代的守夜人式的政府以后,进入现代的政府的行政权越来越扩大,随之而来的就是行政法与民法的交叉。由此在司法实践中,便出现了法院内部相互推诿,案件久久不决的现象。此现象在不动产登记纠纷中尤其明显。本文通过对一起案例的介绍与解析,结合我国关于不动产民事与行政交叉案件的立法现状以及学理上对诉讼模式的不同观点,提出不动产登记民事诉讼中对具体行政行为进行司法审查的审理模式构想。 本文分为四个部分: 第一部分写了不动产的民事与行政交叉案件的产生与产生的原因,举了一个司法实践中比较容易见到的真实案例; 第二部分写了我国的民事与行政交叉案件的立法现状和主要的审理模式,重点分析了现在理论界的各种观点; 第三部分笔者主要分析了民事诉讼中对具体行政行为进行司法审查的审理模式的现存法律上的和理论上的可行性; 第四部分主要写了在现在的法律环境下如何更好地解决不动产的民事与行政交叉案件。
[Abstract]:After passing through the night-watchman government in modern times, the executive power of entering the modern government expanded more and more, followed by the intersection of administrative law and civil law. Therefore, in the judicial practice, there appears the phenomenon of mutual prevarication within the court and long-undecided cases. This phenomenon is especially obvious in real estate registration disputes. Through the introduction and analysis of a case, this paper combines the current legislative situation of the civil and administrative cases of real estate in our country and the different views on the litigation mode in theory. This paper puts forward the trial mode of judicial review of specific administrative acts in civil action of real estate registration. This paper is divided into four parts: The first part describes the emergence of civil and administrative cases of real estate and the reasons for the emergence of a judicial practice is relatively easy to see the real case; The second part describes the legislation of civil and administrative cross-cases in China and the main modes of trial, focusing on the analysis of the current theoretical community of various views; The third part mainly analyzes the existing legal and theoretical feasibility of judicial review of specific administrative acts in civil proceedings. The fourth part mainly describes how to better solve the civil and administrative cross cases of real estate under the current legal environment.


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