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发布时间:2018-04-28 00:56

  本文选题:行民交叉 + 前提问题 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:市场经济的发展和政府职能的转型使行政权越来越多地介入到民事行为中去,由此导致了大量的行政与民事交叉的诉讼案件(以下简称行民交叉案件)。所谓行民交叉是指两种案件在处理结果上存在因果关系,或虽不存在因果关系,但是导致两种纠纷产生的法律事实之间存在相互联系和影响。目前学界通说认为可将行民交叉案件分为三类,本文仅从探索诉讼解决路径的角度研究其中的一类——以行政争议为前提的行民交叉案件。 以行政争议为前提的行民交叉是指这样一种情形,当事人提起的是民事诉讼,但要解决民事纠纷须先确认相关行政行为是否合法有效,即行政争议的解决成为对民事纠纷案件判断的前提。探索以行政争议为前提的行民交叉案件的诉讼解决路径实质就是研究作为前提问题的行政行为及如何对其进行审理的过程。文章主要运用了比较分析和逻辑分析的研究方法。首先,对目前国内学界关于此问题的各种学说观点和域外不同法系国家的做法进行比较分析。然后,在此基础上,通过归纳分析找出在各种相关学说和司法审判实践中普遍存在的一些法律价值。最后,立足我国司法实际,结合学理上的分析总结,,提出此类案件的诉讼解决模式。 文章的第一部分,是对研究对象的概述。要研究以行政争议为前提的行民交叉案件的诉讼解决路径,有必要先对该类案件本身有所认识。在此部分中,明确了该类案件的含义、特征,并且对其表现形式做了详细的分类。这些都是后文对此类案件诉讼解决路径进行研究的基础。 文章的第二部分,从立法现状和理论现状对以行政争议为前提的行民交叉案件进行了诉讼解决现状的评析。从我国目前的立法上体现出的解决此类案件的方法主要有分步审查模式、直接将相关行政行为作为定案依据的审查模式和民事诉讼兼理行政行为的审查模式。通过对目前学界各种学说观点的总结归纳,可以依民事审判庭能不能审查具体行政行为的合法性为标准,将这些观点分为肯定说和否定说两大类,这两大类学说又可分为五种不同的解决方案。 文章的第三部分,是对域外处理此类案件方式的考察。两大法系国家在处理以行政争议为前提的行民交叉案件的方式上既存在差异,又有趋同的一面。大陆法系更强调行政行为的拘束力,更倾向于由行政法院解决行政纠纷;英美法系强调司法审判的自主性,更倾向于由法院对行政行为做出判断。同时,两大法系国家在处理此类案件方式上的趋同也体现出了一些相同的价值取向,如都要求尽可能提高诉讼效率、追求案件的实体解决、注重协调行政权与司法权的关系等。 文章最后一部分,是对此类案件诉讼解决模式的构建。首先,在前述分析的基础上总结出在解决此类案件过程中关涉到的几种主要法律价值。然后,在对相关法律价值做出权衡分析的基础上提出解决此类案件应遵循的相关原则和需要处理好的相关关系。最后,提出构建分类诉讼的解决模式的构想。
[Abstract]:The development of the market economy and the transformation of government functions make the administrative right more and more involved in the civil action, which leads to a large number of administrative and civil cases (hereinafter referred to as the cross cases). The so-called "line of people cross" refers to the existence of two cases in the outcome of the cause and effect, or although there is no causality, but there is no causal relationship. It is the relationship and influence between the legal facts that lead to the two kinds of disputes. At present, the academic circles say that the cross cases of the people can be divided into three categories. This article only studies one of them from the angle of exploring the solution path of litigation, which is based on the administrative dispute.
On the premise of the administrative dispute, the cross of the people refers to such a situation, the parties mentioned in the civil litigation, but to solve the civil disputes must first confirm whether the relevant administrative action is legal and effective, that is, the solution of the administrative dispute becomes the precondition for the judgment of the civil dispute cases. The essence of the solution is to study the administrative behavior of the precondition and how to try it. The article mainly uses the research methods of comparative analysis and logical analysis. First, it compares and analyses the various doctrines of the domestic academia on this issue and the practice of different countries in different legal systems. On the basis of this, we find out some common legal values in various related theories and judicial trial practice through inductive analysis. Finally, based on the judicial practice of our country, combining the theoretical analysis and summary, this paper puts forward the lawsuit solution mode of such cases.
The first part of the article is an overview of the object of study. It is necessary to understand the case itself before the administrative dispute is the premise of the litigation. In this part, the meaning and characteristics of the cases are clarified, and the forms are classified in detail. The foundation of the study of the settlement of case litigation.
The second part of the article, from the status of the legislation and the status of the theory, makes an analysis of the current situation of the lawsuit, which is the premise of the administrative dispute. Through the summary of the various doctrines of the current academic circles, we can divide these views into two categories: affirmative and negative, and these two categories can be divided into five different solutions.
The third part of the article is the investigation of the way of dealing with such cases abroad. The two law system countries have both differences and convergence in dealing with the administrative disputes as the premise. The continental law system emphasizes the binding force of administrative act, and is more inclined to solve administrative disputes by the administrative court; the strong Anglo American law system is strong. The autonomy of the judicial trial is more inclined to judge the administrative action by the court. At the same time, the convergence of the two legal system countries in dealing with such cases also embodies the same value orientation, for example, to improve the efficiency of the lawsuit as much as possible, to pursue the substantive solution of the case, and to coordinate the relationship between the administrative power and the judicial power.
The last part of the article is the construction of the lawsuit solution mode of such cases. First, on the basis of the previous analysis, it summarizes several main legal values involved in the process of solving such cases. Then, on the basis of the trade-off analysis of relevant legal values, the relevant principles and needs to be followed in solving such cases are put forward. Finally, it puts forward the idea of constructing a settlement model of classified litigation.



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