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发布时间:2018-04-28 07:14

  本文选题:法律 + 情理 ; 参考:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Reason exists in all aspects of our daily life, and also guides our life. It is a soft rule that people often use. The law involves various fields of the process of administering the country according to law. It is more embodied in a hard rule pattern. In the social background of rapid social and economic transformation, the reason and the law are unavoidably entangled in the social and economic background. Together, there is both conflict and interaction. When the conflict is embodied in the judiciary, it often sets off a large public opinion dispute. In this case, the contradiction between reason and law is also very obvious and sharp. The discussion of the conflict of law and reason in the judge's judgment not only enriches the law of law, but also builds the law from the dynamic level. It provides a theoretical perspective and can also interpret and evaluate the implementation of the law from the angle of law sociology and legal ethics. On the other hand, because the problem involves the problems in the practical judicial practice, it is necessary for the judge to deal with the conflict of law and reason in the judicial practice. It has a certain reference and reference value how to apply the reasonable reason in the judgment to achieve the unity of the social effect and the legal effect of the judicial decision. Through the analysis, this paper holds that the conflict of law and reason has both the influence of the cultural tradition and the reasons of the law itself, and the factors that reveal in the process of social development. Too much attention should be made in judicial judgment, which will violate the order and rigour of the judicature itself, but the only insistence on the law will cause the human feelings between the law and the social people apart. How to deal with the relationship between law and reason in the judgment directly affects the social effect and legal effect of the construction of the rule of law. Therefore, the judge should set up the right. The mode of thinking fully recognizes the role of rational use of reason in the decision to solve the dispute, adhered to the supreme law on the basis of reason, and should attach importance to the rational expression in the judicial judgment, and understand how to achieve the unity of law and reason in the judicial judgment. In this way, the good social effect of the judgment can be set up and can be set up. The article first expounds the relationship between law and reason. The article first combs the concept of law and reason. Then, on the basis of combing the characteristics of the two, the relationship between the two is discussed, and there are differences and connections between the law and the reason. The reason is the basis of the law and the law is the basis. The legal protection, the law has an influence on the reason, the reason can also give feedback to the law. Both sides have relations and differences, can not make the two simple equivalent, we should pay attention to the difference between the two. The second part explains the conflict between the law and the reason in the judgment, the conflict between the law and the reason is mainly embodied in the rational and legal two. In the next, the article shows the conflict of the law and reason in the judge's judgment in the case of the actual case, and discusses the causes of the two conflicts, and clarifies the sharp sharpening of the conflict between the justice and the law in the judge's judgment and the important influence on the social effect of the referee. The problems exposed in the process of judicial development remind us that the construction of the rule of law and judicial practice must respond to the social needs, and the social people's reflection on the judicial judgment also makes us realize that the traditional cultural ideas derived from the traditional culture of the judiciary also have a challenge to the modern judicial practice. The conflict between the public consciousness and the judicial reason is the place where the judge should think and pay more attention when dealing with the relationship between law and reason in the judgment. The last part is mainly about how the judge correctly deals with the relationship between law and reason in the judgment. The reasons for the conflict of reason are discussed separately from the consciousness of the judges, the technical level of the judgment, and the system. At the same time, through the new cases in the society, the new cases, such as the cases of online shopping disputes and a good civil judgment, provide some inspiration for the judge to solve the conflict of law and reason in the civil judgment. Through such suggestions, the judge can make the judge have more rational thinking and discretion in dealing with the relationship between law and reason, better deal with the relationship between the two, and achieve the unity of the legal effect of the judgment and the social effect.



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