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发布时间:2018-04-28 07:11

  本文选题:笔录 + 证据能力 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文从证据能力视角对笔录中的相关问题展开研究。笔录作为“证据之王”是当下司法实践中证据的最主要形式,法律语言视角下对笔录的研究可以从多方面展开。研究重点探讨的问题有两方面,是对非法审讯导致的笔录因非法手段取得而丧失证据能力的研究,二是对笔录制作中语言转换的种种不规范现象进行的研究。从法律语言视角对以上研究进行整合,以笔录的证据效力为线索,对笔录中的语言转换和审讯语言二者进行一体化的研究,是一个值得探索的新兴领域。 其一,随着《刑事诉讼法》2012年最新一轮的修改,非法证据排除规则开始在司法实践中崭露头角,一旦笔录因为引供等非法手段而被法庭排除,将不利于刑事司法程序的有效进行。以引供为例,通过对非法审讯的语言形式的研究,能够更好的支撑和保障笔录作为证据的证据效力,防止引供的出现和由此而来的非法证据排除,为司法程序的合法有效运行提供保障。 其二,笔录制作中的语言转换也可能对笔录的证据能力产生影响,其中笔录的语体变异、语言转换不规范和孪生笔录都可能影响对笔录的采信和认定。这一研究从语言学角度规范笔录制作中的语言转换等问题,为笔录作为证据提供更强的证据效力,更大程度的准确性、全面性、可靠性、可采性。 文章主体分为三个部分。 第一章是对作为证据的司法笔录的概述。其中分别从司法笔录的内涵、作为证据的司法笔录、关于笔录的研究现状、现有司法笔录研究中的问题四个方面进行研究。 第二章是从内容制作角度考察笔录的证据效力。分三部分展开,第一部分探讨笔录制作过程中的非法讯问对笔录证据效力的影响;第二部分以引供为例,从语言角度审视笔录制作过程中的非法讯问,探讨了引供的概念及语用学意义、发问方式与引供、几种典型的引供、前提蕴含的判断方法、引供存在的特殊语境、制度创新与完善等问题;第三部分是对引供的语言特点的研究意义。 第三章从形式制作考察笔录的证据效力,包括四个部分,第一部分探讨笔录制作的内涵,第二部分探讨语体转换与证据能力,第三部分探讨语言转换与证据能力,第四部分探讨孪生笔录的相关问题。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of evidence ability, this paper studies the relevant issues in the record. As the king of evidence, the record is the most important form of evidence in the current judicial practice, and the research on the record can be carried out from many aspects from the perspective of legal language. The research focuses on two aspects: the study of the loss of evidence ability caused by illegal interrogation, and the study of various nonstandard phenomena of language conversion in record making. From the perspective of legal language, it is a new field worth exploring to integrate the above studies with the evidential effect of the record and the integration of the language conversion and the interrogation language in the record. First, with the latest revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012, the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence has begun to emerge in judicial practice, once the record is excluded by the court because of illegal means such as citing confessions. This will not be conducive to the effective conduct of the criminal justice process. Take cited evidence as an example, through the study of the language form of illegal interrogation, it can better support and guarantee the evidential effect of the record as evidence, and prevent the appearance of the confession and the exclusion of the illegal evidence from it. To provide the guarantee for the legal and effective operation of the judicial procedure. Second, the language conversion in the record making may also have an impact on the evidence ability of the record, in which the variation of the style of the record, the non-standard language conversion and the twinning record may all affect the acceptance and recognition of the record. From the linguistic point of view, this study standardizes the language conversion in the production of transcripts, and provides more evidential effectiveness, accuracy, comprehensiveness, reliability and admissibility for the record as evidence. The main body of the article is divided into three parts. The first chapter is the summary of the judicial record as evidence. There are four aspects: the connotation of the judicial record, the judicial record as evidence, the current research situation of the record, and the problems in the research of the judicial record. The second chapter is to investigate the evidence effectiveness of the record from the perspective of content production. It is divided into three parts: the first part discusses the influence of illegal interrogation on the validity of record evidence in the process of record making; the second part, taking cited evidence as an example, examines the illegal interrogation in the process of record making from the perspective of language. This paper probes into the concept and pragmatic significance of quotation, the way of asking questions and quotation, several typical methods of quotation, the judgment method of premise, the special context of quotation, the innovation and perfection of institution, and so on. The third part is the significance of the research on the language characteristics of quotation. The third chapter investigates the evidential effect of the record from the perspective of formality, including four parts: the first part discusses the connotation of the record making, the second part discusses the style conversion and the evidence ability, the third part discusses the language conversion and the evidence ability. The fourth part discusses the related problems of the twinning record.


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