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发布时间:2018-04-28 06:02

  本文选题:行政规范性文件 + 审查标准 ; 参考:《政治与法律》2017年09期

[Abstract]:In administrative litigation, the standard of examination is an important part of the system of appended examination of administrative normative documents. At present, there are some deficiencies in the censorship standards in both theory and practice in our country, which are either too broad or one-sided. On the one hand, the judicial review of administrative normative documents should be divided into three levels: authority review, legitimacy review and rationality review, on the one hand, the judicial review of administrative normative documents should be divided into three levels vertically, on the other hand, The administrative normative documents should be divided into two types: the standard of interpretation and the standard of discretion. Finally, a complete system of auditing standards is formed. At the first level of the system, the review criteria for the interpretation of benchmarks are the standards of rights and obligations, and the standards for the review of the discretionary standards are the binding standards; at the second level, the review standards of both go beyond their functions and powers, In the third level, the standard of interpretation should be applied to the standard of interpretation incorrectly, and the standard of discretion should be applied to the standard of obvious improper.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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