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发布时间:2018-04-28 11:07

  本文选题:拘束力 + 既判力 ; 参考:《清华法学》2017年04期

[Abstract]:The binding force of the judgment of administrative litigation refers to the effect that the relevant administrative organs of the case respect the judgment of the court and act according to the intention of the judgment. The res judicata of a judgment is to bind the court and the parties to the judgment, while the binding force is the relevant administrative organ which binds the case on the grounds of judgment. Binding force is a kind of special effect which is rooted in the protection of private right to eliminate the result claim, to maintain the unity of law order and the requirement of administration according to law, and is the auxiliary effect of making the judgment forming force to obtain the actual effect. Binding force can not only produce the negative effect of prohibiting repetition, but also produce positive effect, such as canceling the obligation of contradictory behavior, reprocessing obligation and so on. Although the nature of binding force can be disputed in theory, it can be understood harmoniously in the whole administrative litigation judgment system. The legal effect of binding force and its limits should be clearly defined in the form of law, the relevant administrative organs should be taught the obligation to carry out the legal effect, the effectiveness of relief of right should be ensured, and the order of the validity of judgment should be maintained.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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