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发布时间:2018-04-28 15:16

  本文选题:以审判为中心 + 侦审关系 ; 参考:《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年02期

[Abstract]:At present, the interpretation of "trial as the center" is mainly based on the criticism and reflection of the traditional "investigative center" litigation system. Although this way of understanding logic falsification can clear up the main problems existing in the current criminal proceedings in our country, it is easy to fall into the shackles of one-sided pursuit of the formal element of litigation stage and neglect of the essential element of litigation relationship. "taking trial as the center" is a proposition of litigation relationship. It should not be interpreted simply as focusing on the trial stage, but should emphasize the core position of the judicial authority in the three kinds of litigation powers. As far as the relationship between investigation and trial is concerned, we should pay more attention to the "right of judgment" attribute of the judicial power in the whole litigation stage, give full play to the right relief of the jurisdiction, the restriction of the public power and the function of social governance, and construct the separation of the control over the trial and the judicial control. The relationship between investigation and trial under mutual cooperation. The re-structure of the relationship between investigation and adjudication will inevitably affect the reform of the corresponding system. The system of separation of judicial jurisdiction and administrative jurisdiction, the system of judicial review and judicial writ, the system of investigating judge, the system of legal aid and lawyer's guarantee, The system of police testifying in court as the basic foothold and effective support point.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学刑事司法学院;


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