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发布时间:2018-04-28 23:33

  本文选题:刑事追诉时效 + 追诉时效期限 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As one of the basic systems of criminal law in our country, the system of limitation of prosecution mainly prescribes the content that the judicial organ should investigate the criminal responsibility of the offender within the valid period stipulated by law. If the judicial organ does not prosecute the criminal act within the period of validity, it will lose the power of prosecution. The statute of limitations is related to human freedom and even life, so its important role in the criminal law system is beyond doubt. On the one hand, the existence of the system of limitation for criminal prosecution can prompt the victim to file a complaint in time in order to safeguard his legitimate rights and interests and the judicial organ to perform its functions and powers in accordance with the law. On the other hand, the perpetrator who exceeds the statute of limitations after the crime is not prosecuted for a long period of time based on the extermination of penalty. From the point of view of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the victims, safeguarding the national legal dignity and protecting the social order, the system of unlimited extension not subject to the limitation of limitation of prosecution, as an exception or supplementary provision, also has the necessity of existence. Law always has its lag. For the sake of the smooth litigation and the perfection of the system related to the limitation of prosecution, it is extremely necessary to set up a suspension system in the system of limitation of criminal prosecution in our country, which not only enables the national public prosecution organ to exercise the right of prosecution in time. It can also enable the victim or private prosecutor to exercise their rights in a timely and effective manner. Due to the different understanding of the law, there are great differences in the application of the system of limitation of criminal prosecution in judicial practice, which leads to different treatment of the same cases. Therefore, the shortcomings and defects of the system should be addressed and perfected. This paper, by carefully digging out the relevant provisions of the limitation of prosecution system, mainly studies and expounds the regulations and problems of the system, probes into the advantages and disadvantages of the design of the system, and puts forward that the suspension system of the limitation of criminal prosecution should be created with the characteristics of our country. The article is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. This paper briefly analyzes the concept of the system of limitation of criminal prosecution and its original intention and purpose, and points out that the understanding of the value and connotation of the system of limitation in theory and judicial practice needs to be further clarified. The second part expounds the general principle. This paper mainly introduces the connotation of limitation of prosecution system and so on. The third part mainly discusses and introduces the setting content of limitation period of prosecution in China. The fourth part discusses the extension system in the system of limitation of prosecution. This paper mainly analyzes the concrete understanding of the clause "not subject to limitation of limitation of prosecution", introduces its content and its legislative value, and reflects on the clause, thus introducing the system of suspension of limitation of recourse. The fifth part explains the content of the system. By comparing the legislative examples of the prescription of limitation of criminal prosecution abroad, the paper puts forward the reference significance of the legislation of the foreign country to our country, and introduces the reasonable understanding of the starting time of the limitation of prosecution in our country. Including the content of the "Crime Day" provisions and some special cases proposed to deal with.


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