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发布时间:2018-04-29 01:22

  本文选题:释明 + 辩论主义 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:释明最早起源自德国,是大陆法系国家和地区民事诉讼法领域的一项基本制度。在英美法系国家,虽然没有明文规定法官释明的概念,但是也存在类似的制度。释明制度的设立主要是为了保障当事人的权益,弥补当事人主义可能导致的不公平,,是对辩论主义的补充。在我国,无论是立法层面还是实践当中,释明制度均存在一些尚待解决的问题。本文试图通过对释明制度基本理论以及发展现状的探究,以便对我国民事诉讼法中释明制度改革和完善的方向提出建议。 本文正文共分为三章。 第一章,释明的概念和性质。对释明的基本理论进行了论述,概括性地介绍了释明制度的概念、发展过程和性质,并且分析了释明制度的法律价值。 第二章,国外释明制度现状及比较分析。介绍了大陆法系和英美法系国家对于释明制度的立法和实践情况,并通过对比分析,以期为国内释明制度的构建提供借鉴。 第三章,我国释明制度的完善。介绍了我国当前释明制度的法律规定,以及司法实践中存在的主要问题,并针对释明制度的原则、范围、阶段和效力等方面提出完善建议。
[Abstract]:In the Anglo - American law system , there are still some problems to be solved . In our country , both the legislative level and the practice , the interpretation system has some problems to be solved . In our country , both the legislative level and the practice , the interpretation system has some problems to be solved . In our country , both the legislative level and the practice , the interpretation system has some problems to be solved . In this paper , we try to make suggestions for the reform and perfection of the interpretation system in our country ' s civil procedure law .

The text is divided into three chapters .

In the first chapter , the concept and nature of the interpretation are discussed , the concept , the development process and the nature of the interpretation system are briefly introduced , and the legal value of the interpretation system is analyzed .

The second chapter , the status quo and the comparative analysis of the foreign interpretation system , introduced the legislation and practice of the civil law system and the Anglo - American law system countries on the interpretation system , and adopted the comparative analysis with a view to providing reference for the construction of the domestic interpretation system .

In chapter 3 , the perfection of China ' s interpretation system is introduced . The legal provisions of our current interpretation system and the main problems existing in judicial practice are introduced , and some suggestions are put forward in terms of the principles , scope , stage and effectiveness of the interpretation system .



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