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发布时间:2018-04-29 02:21

  本文选题:税收争议 + 税务行政诉讼 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the gradual transfer of the focus of the tax dispute settlement mechanism in our country, the trend of tax judicial specialization is increasingly strengthened, the number of tax disputes increases year by year, and the content of the dispute focus begins to present a diversified and refined development trend. In practice, the dispute caused by the rules of proof of tax administrative litigation is incessant, because of the unclear facts and insufficient evidence, the number of cases that the tax authorities lose the case increases suddenly. Especially, along with the reform of the trial materialization, the importance of the proof of litigation evidence becomes more and more prominent. The key of litigation is evidence, and the core of evidence system is proof standard. As a special kind of administrative litigation, the proof standard of tax administrative litigation can be applied to general administrative litigation. However, the current law has not only failed to make detailed provisions on the application of the standard of proof in general administrative litigation, but also failed to take into account the particularity of tax dispute cases, thus directly leading to the application of the standard of proof in tax administrative litigation is also not standardized. From the point of view of legal text, the standard of proof in tax administrative litigation is obviously inadequate in the current legal system of our country, showing that the number of legislative provisions is especially small, the content of the provisions is single and the operation is low. The level of legal effect is not high. From the perspective of tax law practice, due to the specialty and complexity of the identification of tax facts, the thinking of "light procedure" exists in the process of tax administrative law enforcement, and the lack of special rules for the application of certification standards in tax administrative litigation. As a result, the boundary between the standard of proof in tax administrative litigation and the standard of proof in criminal litigation concerning tax is not clear, and the standard of proof applied in tax administrative litigation and administrative law enforcement of tax is not in harmony, The problems such as the combination of the advantages of proof power of tax evidence and the advantage of quantity of evidence are particularly prominent, which have seriously hindered the process of tax rule of law in our country and increased the risk of tax administrative law enforcement. Tax disputes can not be effectively resolved and tax justice is weakened. In order to perfect our country's taxation judicial system, protect taxpayers' basic rights, resolve tax administrative disputes, and reduce the risks of tax administrative law enforcement, on the one hand, it should be proved by the stages of the facts concerning tax disputes. The degree of difficulty of proof in tax dispute cases, the distribution of burden of proof in tax administrative litigation, and the measurement of national financial interests and taxpayers' rights and interests are four aspects to make clear the factors that should be taken into account when applying the standard of proof in tax administrative litigation. On the other hand, standardize the application of proof standard in tax administrative litigation from the practical operation level. In particular, the application of certification standards in tax administrative litigation must be based on different types of tax administrative dispute facts and apply different levels of certification standards, that is, according to tax administrative punishment, In the three situations of tax administrative compulsion and tax administrative treatment, the clear and persuasive standard of proof is subdivided into three levels of concrete standards, and the corresponding judgment conditions are set for them. At the same time, we should also set up an orderly three-level standard applicable rules of tax administrative litigation, establish a strict tax administrative litigation evidence review system, and set up a complete tax administrative litigation judgment reasoning system.


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