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发布时间:2018-04-29 14:59

  本文选题:食品 + 药品 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: on the basis of combing the existing means, methods, measures and working mechanisms of cracking down on the illegal and criminal activities of food and drugs, the paper analyzes the existing problems and finds out the deficiencies. To promote the effective docking between the current food and drug regulatory authorities and the criminal judicial organs, to resolve the transfer of relevant cases in the administrative law enforcement and criminal justice of the food and drug regulatory authorities, the conversion of evidence from one another, the inspection, detection and appraisal of the cases, Such key issues as the custody and disposal of articles involved in the case, exploring the construction of a "smooth link between the execution of punishment" between the food and drug regulatory authorities and the criminal justice department, and further strengthening the investigation and handling of food and drug illegal cases, To form a joint effort to crack down on food and drug crimes. Research methods: through the method of literature research, this study understands the current situation, significance, problems and so on of domestic and foreign food and drug administration and enforcement and criminal justice involving food and drug crimes. Investigation and research method: through the typical investigation, this study obtains the first-hand information about the problems existing in the connection of food and drug supervision and execution. Comparative study method: this study compares the food and drug supervision departments of some provinces (cities and regions) with the transfer of criminal cases suspected of food and drugs, the filing of cases, and the approval of arrests, as well as judgments, To find out the key problems existing in the connection between food and drug supervision and criminal justice and to seek solutions. Results & conclusion: the public security organs did not pay enough attention to the suspected criminal cases transferred by the food and drug supervision department, and the transferred cases were shelved. The public security organs have put on file fewer and more cases of suspected criminal crimes transferred, and the returned cases have not been issued by the public security organs for non-filing procedures. The receiving departments of public security criminal cases are the public security organs at the same level of legal system, public security, and economic investigation departments. The district police station is not unified. The supervision behavior of procuratorial organ is passive, whether it is the prosecution or protest, it is only supervision after the prosecution, and it is difficult to control the law enforcement information of the food and drug supervision department and the public security organ accurately, so it is difficult to give full play to its substantive supervisory function. The procuratorial organ does not approve the arrest and the relative non-prosecution of the suspect who commits the crime of endangering food and drug safety, so it is difficult for the court to convict and sentence. The Criminal procedure Law stipulates the validity of the evidence of administrative organs, but the stipulation is only a basic rule of principle, and there are no specific rules of implementation or operational norms. In practice, whether administrative law enforcement evidence can be used as criminal evidence is controversial. The legal basis for food and drug inspection and identification is not clear, and there is no unified judicial identification system for food and drugs. It is difficult to use the test report and appraisal opinion. The food and drug supervision department, public security department, procuratorial department, court and other relevant departments do not have direct special regulations, and the practice of the department is different, and there is no scientific and clear definition. The framework of the basic linkage system between food and drug administration law enforcement and criminal justice has been established, but there is a lack of smooth legislation, enforcement and operation, so it is urgent to formulate laws and regulations or to issue normative documents. Scientifically set up the Office of the Food Safety Commission of the State Council, the Central political and legal Commission, the Supreme people's Court, the Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Agriculture, The work responsibilities of the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Food and Drug Supervision and Administration of Food and Drug Administration, and other departments in the joint work of food and drug supervision, administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and the establishment of a responsibility system to solve the problem of the transfer of cases between the food and drug regulatory authorities and the judicial organs, Inspection or identification, storage and disposal of items involved in the four key issues, further unimpeded execution of the link channel.


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