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发布时间:2018-04-30 01:13

  本文选题:刑事涉案财物 + 处理程序 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的发展,,时代的进步,刑事涉案财物的处理也日益复杂化,如何正确认定和处理涉案财物至关重要,因为它不仅仅关系到犯罪嫌疑人、被告人定罪量刑问题,还关系到与财物有关系的其他当事人的合法财产能否受到保护等问题。目前,我国在涉案财物处理程序中存在着许多问题,主要由于我国对此方面的研究甚少、立法上的不完善等原因所导致,造成司法实践中混乱,这些问题导致我国司法矛盾的增多,影响社会的和谐,给司法资源造成浪费。如果处理好刑事涉案财物,能够改变以往我国重实体轻程序,重人身轻财产的怪圈,更好的保护当事人的财产权,因此,刑事涉案财物的处理是一个极其复杂而又重要的论题。 本文论述我国刑事涉案财物处理程序,主要运用了三种研究方法,即实证分析法、理论分析法和对比分析法,并从四个方面进行讨论。 由于我国对刑事涉案财物没有明确的标准,导致在实践过程中出现执法不严等问题,本文用理论分析法对涉案财物的概念、特征、范围进行了阐述,通过分析,对涉案财物有了初步的认识和了解。并用对比分析的方法对涉案财物处理程序的立法方面进行考察,主要从英美法系国家、大陆法系国家及我国大陆和港澳台地区的处理程序分别进行阐述,对英美法系和大陆法系中代表性的国家进行分析,对港澳台处理程序与我国内地的不同做比对,通过对各个国家和地区的研究和分析,从而更好的发现我国在处理程序上存在的不足。在对我国刑事涉案财物处理程序中存在的问题进行深入研究时运用了实证分析法,该部分是论文研究的核心,从涉案财物处理的审理过程入手,对审理过程中存在的问题和所涉及的权力机关存在的问题进行分析,对涉案财物的处理程序进行全方位的研究。具体对实践过程、监督机制、救济程序中存在的问题进行分析和探讨,因为程序中存在的问题,导致程序中出现违反法律基本原则的现象,造成执法权滥用和当事人权益受到损害的情况发生,通过分析找出问题的根源。通过研究提出我国涉案财物处理程序的完善建议,针对论文中提出的问题进行有针对性的完善,通过对论文的理论研究,对比研究和实证研究,提出适合我国刑事涉案财物处理程序的完善措施。
[Abstract]:With the development of the society and the progress of the times, the handling of the property involved in the criminal case is becoming more and more complicated. It is very important to correctly identify and deal with the property involved in the case, because it is not only related to the criminal suspect, but also to the conviction and sentencing of the accused. It also concerns whether the lawful property of other parties concerned with property can be protected or not. At present, there are many problems in the procedure of dealing with the property involved in our country, mainly due to the lack of research on this aspect in our country, the imperfect legislation and other reasons, resulting in confusion in judicial practice. These problems lead to the increase of judicial contradictions, affect social harmony and waste judicial resources. If we deal with the property involved in the criminal case, we can change the strange circle of valuing the person and the property, and better protect the property rights of the party concerned. Therefore, the handling of the property involved in the criminal case is an extremely complex and important topic. This paper discusses the procedure of dealing with criminal property cases in China, mainly using three research methods, namely, empirical analysis, theoretical analysis and comparative analysis, and discusses them from four aspects. Because there is no clear standard for the criminal property involved in our country, resulting in some problems such as lax enforcement of the law in the course of practice, this paper uses the theoretical analysis method to elaborate the concept, characteristics and scope of the property involved, and through the analysis, Have a preliminary understanding and understanding of the property involved. With the method of comparative analysis, the legislative aspects of the procedure of handling the property involved are investigated, mainly from the common law countries, the countries of the civil law system and the mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of our country respectively. Through the analysis of the representative countries in the Anglo-American law system and the continental law system, and the comparison of the processing procedures between Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and the mainland of China, and through the research and analysis of various countries and regions, In order to better find our country in the process of the shortcomings. In the in-depth study of the problems existing in the procedure of dealing with criminal property in China, the empirical analysis method is used. This part is the core of the thesis, starting with the trial process of the handling of the involved property. The problems existing in the trial process and the problems existing in the power organs involved are analyzed, and the handling procedures of the property involved are studied in all directions. The problems in the process of practice, the supervision mechanism and the relief procedure are analyzed and discussed, because the problems in the procedure lead to the phenomenon of violating the basic principles of law in the procedure. The abuse of law enforcement power and damage to the rights and interests of the parties occurred, through analysis to find out the root cause of the problem. Through the research, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the procedure of dealing with the property involved in the case in our country, and makes a targeted improvement on the problems raised in the paper. Through the theoretical research, the comparative study and the empirical study of the paper, The author puts forward the perfect measures to deal with the criminal property involved in our country.


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