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发布时间:2018-04-30 15:56

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 举证保障制度 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:伴随着民事审判改革的进程,我国民事诉讼立法中的辩论主义基调也日趋清晰,这一方面限缩了法官的审判职权,让当事人享有更大的程序主动性,但另一方面也让调查收集证据的责任更多地落到了当事人身上,此即举证责任。为使当事人顺利地完成案件举证,相应的举证保障制度就显得至关重要。但纵观司法实践中频发的举证困难现象,似乎当前立法的举证保障规定并不能较好支持当事人举证任务的完成。换言之,当事人举证能力的局限,很大程度缘于举证保障制度的局限。因此,本文以此角度为切入,探讨举证困难问题与举证保障制度局限性之间的联系,反思当前举证保障制度存在的问题,借鉴域外立法,以提出本土化的完善建议。 全文除引言外,正文共分四部分。 第一部分从三个方面对民事诉讼举证保障制度的理论基础展开论述。一是通过对证明权理论的介绍,阐释当事人举证属于程序权利的观点,并论述举证保障制度与证明权理论间的关系,进而提出该制度属于证明权理论必然要求的结论;二是从我国现有的证明标准入手,分析当前“高度盖然性”证明标准的由来及其导致的举证困境,然后通过对举保障制度内在机理的探究,论述其相对科学的应对功能;三是论述举证保障制度在民事诉讼程序平等和效率的两个维度上所发挥的制度功能。 第二部分对现有民事诉讼立法中的当事人举证保障规定进行了总结和反思,并剖析了其存在的问题及可待完善之处。总的来说,当前举证保障制度的立法已成体系,但在当事人取证权、法院的协助取证、举证妨碍应对机制和证人的出庭保障机制等方面仍存在局限和有待完善之处。对此,本文一方面肯定了既有制度的优点,同时也对存在的问题进行了论述,并提出制度完善的必要性和可行性。 第三部分是民事诉讼举证保障制度的比较法考察章节。该部分分别从两大法系主要国家和地区的立法着手,先就英美法系最典型的举证保障制度——证据开示制度进行研究,再将视野转向大陆法系,,依次考察了法官调查取证制度、文书提出命令制度、举证妨碍制度和证人出庭保障制度在大陆法系不同国家和地区的规定。通过有针对性地参考不同法系对当事人举证保障的模式,有助于明确我国民事诉讼举证保障制度中问题应对的思路和制度完善的方向。 第四部分总结前文研究素材,对现有制度的完善提出可操作性的构想。结合域外先进经验,并立足本国国情的前提下,对当前制度存在的问题与可完善之处提出了设计证据调查令制度、规范法官取证规定、优化证据交换程序和完善举证妨碍制度及证人出庭保障机制四个层面的建议及具体措施,以形成实效化和全面化的举证保障体系,支撑当事人举证责任的完成。
[Abstract]:Along with the process of civil trial reform, the debate tone in our civil litigation legislation is becoming clearer and clearer. On the one hand, it limits the judge's jurisdiction and makes the parties enjoy greater procedural initiative. But on the other hand, the burden of collecting evidence falls more heavily on the parties, which is the burden of proof. In order to ensure the successful completion of the case, the corresponding system of proof guarantee is very important. However, it seems that the current legislation can not support the completion of the party's burden of proof. In other words, the limitation of the party's ability of proof is largely due to the limitation of the system of proof security. Therefore, this paper discusses the relationship between the difficulty of proof and the limitation of the system of proof security, reflects on the problems existing in the current system of proof security, and draws lessons from the extraterritorial legislation in order to put forward some suggestions for the perfection of localization. In addition to the introduction, the text is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the theoretical basis of the proof guarantee system in civil litigation from three aspects. First, through the introduction of the theory of the right of proof, it explains the view that the party's proof is the procedural right, and discusses the relationship between the system of proof guarantee and the theory of the right of proof, and then puts forward the conclusion that the system belongs to the theory of the right of proof. Second, starting with the existing standards of proof in our country, this paper analyzes the origin of the current standard of "high probability" and the difficult position of proof caused by it, and then discusses its relative scientific response function by exploring the internal mechanism of the system. The third is to discuss the system function of the proof guarantee system in the two dimensions of equality and efficiency of civil procedure. In the second part, the author summarizes and reflects on the provisions of the party's proof protection in the existing civil procedure legislation, and analyzes the existing problems and the problems to be improved. Generally speaking, the legislation of the current system of proof security has been systematized, but there are still some limitations and problems to be improved in the aspects of the right of the parties to obtain evidence, the assistance of the court to obtain evidence, the obstruction of the mechanism of proof response and the mechanism of the witness's appearance in court. On the one hand, this paper affirms the advantages of the existing system, at the same time, discusses the existing problems, and puts forward the necessity and feasibility of perfecting the system. The third part is the comparative law investigation chapter of the civil procedure proof guarantee system. This part starts from the legislation of the main countries and regions of the two major legal systems, first studies the most typical evidence-discovery system in the Anglo-American legal system, then turns its vision to the continental law system, and then investigates the system of the judge's investigation and collection of evidence in turn. The provision of an order system, proof hindrance system and witness court security system in different countries and regions of civil law system. It is helpful to make clear the thinking and direction of how to deal with the problems in the system of proof security in civil litigation of our country by referring to the mode of proof security of the parties in different legal systems. The fourth part summarizes the previous research material, puts forward the operational concept to the improvement of the existing system. Combining with the advanced experience of foreign countries and based on the national conditions of our country, this paper puts forward the design of evidence investigation order system to standardize the rules of evidence collection for the existing problems and possible perfection of the current system. To optimize the procedure of evidence exchange and to perfect the proof hindrance system and the witness appearance protection mechanism four levels of suggestions and specific measures to form an effective and comprehensive proof security system to support the completion of the burden of proof of the parties.


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