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发布时间:2018-04-30 14:23

  本文选题:刑罚轻缓化 + 羁押替代性措施 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Mitigation of punishment is an organic component of our country's criminal policy of combining leniency with severity. It is originally a concept in the field of criminal substantive law, which mainly shows the development trend of cautious use of life penalty, reducing the proportion of free punishment and increasing the application of fine penalty and community correction. On an expanded understanding, the mitigation of penalties also requires criminal proceedings, and the main hallmark in the field of criminal proceedings, especially in coercive measures, is the emphasis on the prudent use of arrest measures so that the arrest is pending on bail, Such measures as surveillance of residence should be replaced. Alternative measures of custody are used to replace custody to achieve the purpose of procedural protection of the various non-custodial methods, mandatory significantly lower than custody. Nowadays, the development of the alternative measures of custody in the world shows the trend of "right", "light delay" and "judicature", which is the external manifestation and inevitable result of "right" and "judicature". This paper studies the alternative measures of detention in the context of penalty mitigation, including the understanding of the role that alternative measures of detention should play in achieving the goal of mitigation of punishment, and the trend of the development of alternative measures in custody towards the trend of mitigation. In order to make the alternative measures of detention in our country develop better in the direction of light punishment, first of all, the judicial concept should be guided by the idea of human rights protection, the principle of due process and the principle of presumption of innocence. Secondly, in the mechanism of supervision and restriction, we should change the working characteristics of "administrative" and "closed" in the current judicial work, and endow the procuratorial organ with the power to supervise the whole process of the application and the use of alternative measures of detention. Thirdly, in the protection of litigation rights, we should protect the effective exercise of criminal suspects and defendants' litigation rights, and endow the accused with the complete right of litigation defense and judicial relief. Finally, in the concrete system consummation, we should revise the regulation which does not accord with the international development trend and our country's current judicial practice reality, consummates our country's system of obtaining bail pending trial, monitors the residence system. Through the reform of "right" and "mitigation" of the alternative measures of custody, the realization of the goal of human rights protection in criminal procedure will be promoted in an all-round way.


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