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发布时间:2018-04-30 18:36

  本文选题:司法预判 + 案卷移送制度 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国刑事诉讼程序中的案卷移送制度,经历了习惯性的全案移送(并没有法律规定)、复印件移送和法律明示案卷、证据全送三个阶段的变迁。案卷移送制度与法官预判的防止息息相关。科学合理的案卷移送方式能够从源头上避免法官预判,有利于后续诉讼程序的有效推进,,能够体现程序公正和人权保障的关系。但是由于我国刑事诉讼制度还不够精密等因素的影响,我国对科学合理的案卷移送方式与防止法官预判的关系不够敏感。因此,探究精密司法理念下现行公诉案卷移送制度如何防止法官预判就很有必要。同时,任何制度都不是完美无缺的,本文在探究如何精密设计案卷移送制度下阅卷规则的同时提出完善相关法律制度的建议。 本文共分为四个部分。第一部分阐述了司法预判及其危害性;第二部分着重梳理我国案卷移送制度的变迁过程;第三部分介绍和比较了不同国家的案卷移送制度并对选择差异进行了理论分析;第四部分则是从从全案移送制度出发,对我国防止法官预判制度的相关制度和规则的构建提出笔者自己的建议。
[Abstract]:The system of transferring files in criminal procedure in our country has gone through the transition of three stages: the customary transfer of the whole case (there is no legal stipulation, the transfer of photocopy and the legal expression of the case file, all of which are sent to the evidence). The system of file transfer is closely related to the prevention of judges' advance judgment. A scientific and reasonable transfer method of case file can avoid the judge prejudgment from the source, which is conducive to the effective advancement of the subsequent proceedings, and can reflect the relationship between procedural justice and human rights protection. However, due to the influence of some factors, such as the system of criminal procedure is not precise enough, our country is not sensitive to the relationship between the scientific and reasonable transfer of case files and the prevention of judges' advance judgment. Therefore, it is necessary to probe into how to prevent judges from prejudging the current transfer system of public prosecution files under the concept of precision judicature. At the same time, any system is not perfect. This paper probes into how to design the record marking rules under the case file transfer system and puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the relevant legal system. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part expounds the judicial prejudgment and its harmfulness; the second part focuses on combing the vicissitude process of our country's case file transfer system; the third part introduces and compares the case file transfer system of different countries and carries on the theoretical analysis to the choice difference; The fourth part is from the whole case transfer system, the author puts forward his own suggestions on the construction of the relevant system and rules of preventing judge pre-judgment system in our country.


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