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发布时间:2018-04-30 23:11

  本文选题:行政诉讼 + 滥用诉权 ; 参考:《政法论坛》2017年04期

[Abstract]:The abuse of the right of action in administrative litigation can be divided into two forms: abuse of the right of action and abuse of specific procedural rights. The former manifests itself in applying for a variety of administrative remedies at the same time. Entanglement litigation against different acts of the same organ and similar acts of other organs; the latter shows abuse of the right of withdrawal and inactivity in exercising specific procedural rights. The behavior of abusing the right of action includes four constitutive elements: the actor is the party of administrative litigation, subjective fault exists, and the act of procedure abuse is carried out objectively, which results in obstructing the normal litigation order and bringing burden to others. The action of abusing the right of action is illegal because it violates the principle of good faith, the principle of non bis in idem, the legislative purpose of administrative litigation and the condition of litigation. To regulate the abuse of the right of action, under the premise of the principle of prudence, we should accurately grasp the proper legal examination of the conditions for prosecution, and for the act of "abusing the right of action", we should reject the suit or the request for action. To the behavior of "abusing specific procedural rights", the scope of application of compulsory measures of hindering administrative litigation should be enlarged, and the party at fault should bear the litigation cost of the other party.
【作者单位】: 华南师范大学法学院;


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