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发布时间:2018-05-02 03:17

  本文选题:羁押必要性 + 审查 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In 2012, China's Criminal procedure Law underwent a second revision, and for the first time, the procuratorial organ established the system of examining the necessity of custody by way of legislation. This system has changed the status of subordination and fragmentation of the original detention system in our country. It is an important step in the reform of the pretrial supervision procedure in our country, and it is also one of the highlights of this revision. It is of great significance to solve the problems in judicial practice such as "one arrest, one arrest substitute investigation, one remand after arrest" and so on. The system of examining the necessity of custody is a new duty entrusted to the procuratorial organ by the newly amended Criminal procedure Law. By discussing the significance of the system and the legislative reasons, the author finds out the way to solve the problem of light punishment and high detention rate for a long time in our country. At the same time, through drawing lessons from the bail system of foreign custody relief system, periodic review system and relevant measures of habeas corpus, combined with the necessity of detention in many places in China to examine the pilot model, experience, So as to construct the system of examining the necessity of detaining according to the special situation of our country. From the angle of optimizing the working mechanism of the internal function of procuratorial supervision, the procuratorial department of the prison is the appropriate subject to perform the duty of examining the necessity of detention. At the same time, according to the differences in whether the contents of the examination are misdemeanours, felony or illegal detention, and the necessity of detaining, different ways of examination should be constructed, such as the hearing review initiated in accordance with the application, the periodic written review initiated ex officio, and so on. It can not only save the cost of the reform of the criminal procedure system, but also realize the function of supervision and relief of the necessity examination system of custody. The smooth development of the detention necessity examination system should not only be based on the perfect procedure design, but also rely on the cooperation of a series of systems, such as the right informing system, the communication and cooperation mechanism, the follow-up and return visit mechanism, the dynamic change of the supervision mechanism of the compulsory measures, and so on. In addition to the above positive incentives, we should also establish the accountability mechanism to ensure that the necessity of detention review system can really play a role.


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