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发布时间:2018-05-02 07:54

  本文选题:强制管理 + 农村土地承包经营权 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:司法实践创新需要理论研究的跟进。论文从一则民事执行中农村土地承包经营权强制管理案例出发,尝试着对民事执行中农村土地承包经营权强制管理的必要性与可行性等进行论证,并在此基础上进行制度设计,以期推动和指导我国农村土地承包经营权强制管理相关立法和实践。 强制管理是发生在民事执行中的,由执行机构选任的管理人,对被执行人的财产或者财产权的使用收益权实施强制管理活动,以其所得收益进行债务清偿的一种新型执行措施。农村土地承包经营权这一特殊用益物权,可以被强制管理。对农村土地承包经营权进行强制管理,具有平衡双方利益、实现公平执行、丰富执行措施、完善执行法体系以及维护社会稳定,加快和谐社会建成的价值。同时,对农村土地承包经营权进行强制管理,有政策及法理依据,具可行性。我国《适用意见》第三百零二条更接近于西方国家,如西班牙、意大利,,的“法定托管”,而非实质的强制管理,明确了我国并无关于强制管理的法律规定。基于此,笔者主要从程序启动、裁定书以及对债务人和第三人的效力、强制管理实施的内容、管理期限的设置、强制管理的不利因素之克服、强制管理程序终结等进行了制度设计。
[Abstract]:The innovation of judicial practice needs the follow-up of theoretical research. Starting from a case of compulsory management of rural land contractual management right in civil execution, this paper tries to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of compulsory management of rural land contractual management right in civil execution, and designs the system on this basis. In order to promote and guide the compulsory management of rural land contractual management legislation and practice. Compulsory management is a new type of executive measure, which occurs in civil execution and is selected by the executive organ to enforce the management of the property or the right to use the proceeds of the property of the person under execution and to repay the debts with the income from it. Rural land contractual management right this special usufruct right, can be compulsory management. The compulsory management of rural land contractual management rights has the value of balancing the interests of both sides, realizing fair implementation, enriching the enforcement measures, perfecting the enforcement law system, maintaining social stability, and speeding up the establishment of a harmonious society. At the same time, the compulsory management of rural land contractual management, policy and legal basis, feasible. Article 302 of our country's opinion of Application is closer to the "statutory trusteeship" of western countries, such as Spain and Italy, rather than the substantive compulsory management, which makes it clear that our country has no legal provisions on compulsory management. Based on this, the author mainly from the program start, the order and the effectiveness to the debtor and the third party, the content of compulsory management implementation, the management period setting, the compulsory management unfavorable factors overcome, The system design is carried out in the end of the compulsory management procedure.


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