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发布时间:2018-05-02 13:10

  本文选题:未成年人 + 犯罪档案封存 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:新修改的《刑事诉讼法》第275条是关于未成年人犯罪档案封存制度的条款。该制度的设计可以说对未成年罪犯,尤其是刑满释放的未成年罪犯意义重大,该制度的设立对他们以后的上学、就业等方面会产生重大的影响,同时有助于降低未成年人再次犯罪率。未成年是处在人生的成长阶段,,身心尚未成熟,很容易受环境的影响,难免会犯罪。一般情况下,由于存在不良记录,他们犯罪以后即使刑满释放也很难再融入到社会,同时这一人群往往在考学、就业等人生的关键问题上受到歧视。由于社会上存在对这些犯过罪的未成年人的种种成见,这些孩子感觉自己不会被这个社会容纳,就可能开始憎恨社会,产生报复社会的心理,并且很容易再次走向犯罪的道路。所以,他们需要我们的帮助,需要被社会接纳。未成年人是祖国的未来、民族的希望,我们不能因为他们犯过罪就鄙视他们、轻易地抛弃他们,教育、帮助、挽救、保护他们才是我国法律以及整个社会的应尽之责。 未成年人犯罪档案封存制度首次在我国法律中出现,实践基础相对薄弱,因此,我国未成年人犯罪档案封存制度需要不断从实践中总结经验,并借鉴国外相关制度的优良之处来进一步完善。本文将从肯定未成年人犯罪档案封存制度为切入点,通过理论和实践分析,论证出相关制度设计来完善我国未成年人犯罪档案封存制度的不足之处。 本文正文由四个部分构成,第一部分具体厘清了未成年人犯罪的相关概念,未成年人犯罪档案封存制度的意义,与犯罪前科消灭制度的区别等方面,对该制度进行了比较深层次的解释。第二部分对我国未成年人犯罪档案封存制度的立法和司法现状进行了分析。第三部分对国外的犯罪档案封存制度进行陈述,并对此进行比较分析。第四部分指出未成年人犯罪档案封存制度目前存在的一些问题,并且为完善我国相关立法和司法实践提出建议。
[Abstract]:Article 275 of the newly amended Code of Criminal procedure deals with the closure of juvenile delinquency files. The design of the system can be said to be of great significance to juvenile criminals, especially those who have been released from prison. The establishment of the system will have a significant impact on their future schooling, employment, and so on. It also helps to reduce juvenile delinquency. Underage is in the growth stage of life, body and mind is not mature, easy to be affected by the environment, it is inevitable to commit crimes. In general, due to the existence of bad records, it is difficult for them to integrate into the society even if they have been released from prison after committing a crime. At the same time, this group is often discriminated against on the key issues of life, such as entrance examination, employment and so on. Because there are all kinds of stereotypes about the minors who have committed crimes in the society, these children feel that they will not be accepted by the society, so they may start to hate the society, produce the psychology of revenge society, and easily go to the road of crime again. Therefore, they need our help, need to be accepted by society. Minors are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. We cannot despise them because they have committed crimes, and we should not easily abandon them, educate them, help them, save them, and protect them. For the first time, the system of closing and storing juvenile delinquent archives appears in our country's laws, and the practical foundation is relatively weak. Therefore, the system of closing and storing juvenile delinquent archives in our country needs to sum up experience from practice. And draw lessons from the good points of foreign related systems to further improve. This article will affirm the minor crime file seal system as the breakthrough point, through the theory and the practice analysis, demonstrates the related system design to consummate our country minor crime file seal system the insufficiency. The text of this paper is composed of four parts. The first part clarifies the related concepts of juvenile delinquency, the significance of the archival closure of juvenile delinquency, and the difference between the system of elimination of criminal record and criminal record, etc. The system is explained at a deeper level. The second part analyzes the legislation and judicial status of juvenile delinquency file sealing system in China. The third part states the foreign criminal file sealing system, and makes a comparative analysis on it. The fourth part points out some problems existing in the system of closing and storing juvenile criminal files, and puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the relevant legislation and judicial practice in our country.


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