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发布时间:2018-05-03 05:21

  本文选题:电子证据 + 适用规则 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着信息时代的爆棚,电子证据早已随着计算机的发明,高科技的应用走入了人们的生活。2013年1月1日,我国开始实施的新《刑事诉讼法》第48条规定了八类法定的证据形式,其中电子数据作为一个新兴的证据种类固定下来,电子数据在诉讼中的运用必将更加广泛,其对案件事实的证明作用也会越来越大。人们在充分享受现代科学技术带来的方便快捷的时候,以信息技术和网络技术为犯罪手段的高科技犯罪也随之而来,在金融领域通过信用卡犯罪,治安管理领域利用网络诈骗、赌博、散步非法言论等方面出现高发态势。而我国目前尚缺乏对电子证据适用规则的法律规定,无法规范和约束人们在司法活动中对电子证据的运用,这在司法实践中对司法参与人带来很大的困惑。如何在司法实践中确认并充分发挥其证据效力,使其成为能证明事实的重要证据,这是一项需要深入研究的课题。 针对目前电子证据在司法实践中存在的这些问题,笔者用一个实际生活中比较多见的一个网络诈骗案例引出关于电子证据适用规则的讨论。本文的第一部分通过对电子证据这种独立的全新的证据概念进行探讨,用电子证据与传统证据作了各方面比较,指出电子证据有别于其他传统证据的特性,针对其特性说明其适用规则有别于传统证据。第二部分是本文重点分析的部分,通过对我国现有的电子证据取证、认证、证明力等几方面规则的分析讨论,指出了在适用中需要注意的问题分析和现阶段司法实践中对使用电子证据的困惑,并通过对几个现实中的案例分析,体现了电子证据在司法适用中的重要作用和它的适用现状,点明了电子证据需要建立适用规则的重要意义。第三部分通过列举两大法系中美国、加拿大、德国和法国等典型国家现行电子证据相关法律的情况,评析其利弊,并指出其中我国立法者可以借鉴的地方。最后一部分根据前面的分析和研究,结合我国电子证据立法现状和实际国情,借鉴国外先进的经验,提出了自己对电子证据立法的设想,建议将电子证据的取证、认证、鉴证等适用规则逐步建立起来,让电子证据在司法实践中做到正真的有法可依。
[Abstract]:With the explosion of the information age, electronic evidence has long been developed with the invention of computers, and high-tech applications have entered into people's lives. On January 1, 2013, article 48 of the new Criminal procedure Law, which our country began to implement, stipulated eight kinds of legal forms of evidence. Electronic data as a new type of evidence fixed down, electronic data in litigation will be more widely used, it will be more and more important to prove the facts of the case. When people are fully enjoying the convenience and speed brought about by modern science and technology, the high-tech crime of using information technology and network technology as a means of crime also follows. In the field of finance, the crime is committed by credit cards, and the field of public security management uses network fraud. Gambling, walking illegal speech and other aspects of a high trend. But our country still lacks the law stipulation to the electronic evidence application rule at present, cannot regulate and restrain the people in the judicial activity to the electronic evidence use, this brings the very big confusion to the judicial participant in the judicial practice. How to confirm and give full play to its evidential effect in judicial practice and make it become an important evidence to prove the fact is a subject that needs further study. In view of these problems existing in the current electronic evidence in judicial practice, the author draws a discussion about the applicable rules of electronic evidence with a case of network fraud, which is more common in real life. In the first part of this paper, through the discussion of electronic evidence, which is an independent and new concept of evidence, the author makes a comparison between electronic evidence and traditional evidence, and points out that electronic evidence is different from other traditional evidence. According to its characteristics, its applicable rules are different from traditional evidence. The second part is the key part of this paper, through the analysis of the existing electronic evidence in China, authentication, proof power and other aspects of the rules of analysis and discussion. This paper points out the problems needing attention in application and the puzzlement of using electronic evidence in judicial practice at present. Through the analysis of several practical cases, it reflects the important role of electronic evidence in judicial application and its application status quo. The importance of establishing applicable rules for electronic evidence is pointed out. The third part analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the relevant laws of electronic evidence in the typical countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany and France, and points out the points that our legislators can use for reference. In the last part, according to the previous analysis and research, combined with the current situation and the actual situation of electronic evidence legislation in our country, and drawing lessons from the advanced experience of foreign countries, the author puts forward his own assumption of electronic evidence legislation, and suggests that the evidence of electronic evidence be collected and authenticated. Authentication and other applicable rules are gradually established, so that electronic evidence in judicial practice is really legal.


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